I’ve hardly slept, which I will pay for all day. I look at my clock on the side of the bed and see it’s already ten past six. I need to shower and get ready for the day ahead. I never stay in bed this late.

“Lose an hour in the morning, and you’ll spend all day looking for it,” my childhood live-in nanny used to say. She woke me up at six every morning, saying it was to ensure I could have a proper breakfast and stretch before dancing. She had me on a strict routine when it came to homeschooling and dancing. I know I wouldn't be the dancer I am today without her. But sometimes I really wish I could sleep past six.

“What would your father say if he saw you lying in bed until the middle of the day? He would be terribly disappointed in you.” Another thing she would throw at me whenever I asked why I couldn’t have a lie in like everyone else.

She’s been gone for a long time now, but Dad still occasionally asks if I get up early, so I continue to do so to make him proud. Everything I do is to ensure he is never disappointed in me. Glancing at Marshall sleeping beside me, the usual guilt of doing something my dad would disapprove of tightens in my gut. I need to ensure Ethan knows not to mention Marshall in front of my father.

My dad doesn’t know many people in my life. I don’t know if that’s because I haven’t introduced him to them or because he is never around enough to meet them. The only friends he knows are Jasmine and Danielle. Not that he approves of Jasmine since she went public with all four O’Reilly men.

“I never put her down as a whore. What does she think she’s playing at being with all four of them at the same time? It’s unheard of and uncouth,” Linda had snapped when I told her about the wedding. Dad nodded in agreement and told me not to be associated with her anymore. It’s probably the only time I have ever openly disobeyed him. He hadn’t been happy with me at all when I told him Jasmine had asked me to be maid of honour at the wedding. But I stood my ground, and now he doesn’t mention it, nor do I.

“What time is it?”

I look down at Marshall as he rubs his eyes.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you; it’s ten past six,” I reply as he reaches out and takes my hand.

“Come back to bed; it’s early,” he moans, trying to pull me towards him. I chuckle as I lie down next to him.

“I need to get showered and stretch. Unless you can think of another way for me to exercise,” I tease, kissing his neck. Desperate for any sign, the Marshall who cared is in there still. There was a time when he couldn’t keep his hands off me. Now, he doesn’t even try.

“It’s too early, in a bit,” he mutters, shutting his eyes. I let out a deep breath and force myself to kiss his cheek as I climb out of bed and head to the room across from mine, which Travis uses when he stays. I use it to stretch when Marshall is still sleeping.

“Sorry I have to leave so early; I know I promised a full day with you but worked messaged for me to cover a shift.”

I quickly kiss Marshall's lips to stop him from talking.

“It’s fine, I understand. I need to prepare for the next week of performances anyway,” I say with a forced smile. “Come on, I’ll see you out.”

Marshall takes my hand and we both walk from my room, straight into Ethan. Damn, this is all I need.

“Oh, sorry, didn’t realise you were in. We didn’t keep you up last night, did we?” Marshall asks, pushing his chest out smugly.

“Marshall!” I exclaim. I can’t believe he would say that to Ethan, my stepbrother of all people. Ethan shrugs as he takes a bite of an apple in his hand.

“Not really, I only heard you.”

My breath catches in my chest as I see Marshall’s face change.

“Yeah, luckily, Ver managed to keep the noise down; she knows when to be quiet.”

A smirk appears on Ethan's face as he turns and walks towards his room.

“Or you just weren't doing it right. Verity made plenty of noise the night before with her vibrator.”

“Ethan!” I cry out, turning to find Marshall glaring at me. “He's lying to wind you up,” I start, but he shakes his head as he lets go of my hand and walks away.

“He's trying to get a reaction out of you. Ignore him!” I call after him as I rush down the stairs. I manage to reach the front door as he goes to walk out of it.

“Don’t let him get to you, please,” I beg. He looks down at me for a moment and lets out a deep sigh.

“You’re right, I’m sorry. I'll see you later Ver,” he kisses my cheek and walks out of the house and down to his car.

Why did that feel like goodbye?

I watch him drive away before closing the door and rushing up the stairs to Ethan’s room. I don't bother knocking; I barge in to find him in his shorts while stretching his hips.

“What the hell was that?” I yell, pointing to where Marshall has just stormed off. “You had no right saying that!” I add, crossing my arms over my chest.