“Jasmine was the same. She had spent so long on the defensive or being who her friends wanted her to be that she didn’t know herself. But she got there with our help, and I know Verity will manage just fine with the right guidance from you all.”

I look around at my brothers, chatting and laughing with the twins and Jason.

“How much do you know about Verity’s dad?” I ask whilst the others are distracted.

“Not much. You?” I look at him and shake my head. “I thought you did his accounts?”

“I do,” I admit. “But I have recently found out the money isn’t going to where he says it is. For example, he pays three thousand pounds a month for housekeeping. It turns out he’s had Verity doing it all to ‘earn her keep’.” I watch as Christian looks deep in thought whilst rubbing his face.

“Anything other than that which stands out?” he asks. I nod as I move closer to ensure no one else hears.

“There used to be money going to Taylor.”

“Well, that says it all. Nothing good came from that man. He seems to make as much trouble from his shallow fucking grave as he did when he was alive.”

“Yeah, I heard about Geralt. I’m sorry. I know your families were close.”

Christian thanks me and lets out a deep sigh. It's obvious Geralt Young’s death is still raw for him, and I know not to push that. Geralt was a decent man and didn’t deserve to die the way he did. Not for something he had no knowledge of.

“As far as I’m aware, Verity’s father has no dealings with anyone I’m associated with, and I don’t remember him being one of Taylor's guys. But I will do some digging and let you know.”

I thank him as we turn to join our brothers, who all seem glad to see the arguing is finally over between us.

By the time the girls join us, we are all laughing and chatting.

“Verity, why is your daddy laughing with mine?” Jasmine teases as she loops her arm around Verity’s, who starts laughing.

“We can go back to arguing if you’d prefer?” Christian sighs as Jasmine stops in front of him. She lets go of Verity, who walks straight into my arms so I can kiss her like I’ve longed to all evening.

“I swear you get more beautiful every time I see you on the stage,” I smile as I look into her bright eyes.

“You were something else, Baby Girl,” Ethan adds, pulling her from my arms and spinning her around before kissing her. The laugh that escapes her sounds like it comes from deep within, making me think we may finally be getting her to a better place.

“Let’s get a drink and then we can head home to enjoy a full day and night with you,” Ryan grins, pulling her from Ethan's arms and taking her into his own.

“Before you go, I wanted to speak to you about something.”

We all turn to look at Christian as he nods to Jason, who has his arm around Jasmine, smiling.

“I think Jasmine’s Maid of Honour would enjoy the day even more if her three men were with her. Would you all like to escort her to our wedding next month?”

I stare at Christian as Jasmine squeals excitedly and throws her arms around his neck. I turn to see a smiling Verity.

“Would you like us to come with you?” I ask, smiling at how happy she looks. Verity nods, unable to hide her excitement. I turn back to Christian, who has an excited Jasmine in his arms.

“We would love to come. Thank you for inviting us.”

Jasmine squeals again and rushes for Verity, who throws her arms around her friend. We both turn to look at the girls who are laughing and smiling together, and I realise just how special Jasmine is to Verity and how much it will mean to Verity for us to be there at the wedding.

“Come on, Shorty, there is a large ice cream sundae with my name on it,” Maximus calls as he and Sean say something to Ryan, who nods and turns to face us all, smiling. I make a mental note to ask him about that later, but right now, I want to get our happy girl home and make her smile a whole other way.



“Are you sure you don’t want anything?” Verity asks, looping her arm through Travis's as they stand from the table.

Verity admitted she hadn’t eaten much today when we arrived at the bar. Travis had her finish her drink and is now taking her to order a takeaway whilst we finish our drinks before heading home.