All three guys make some noise as I bury my face into Travis's chest, pulling my hand from Ryan’s, ashamed of my confession. My father believed showing emotions or admitting to having them was a sign of weakness. If it were up to me, Ryan wouldn’t have witnessed what he did before, and I would still be hiding all of this from them and everyone else in my life. But he did catch me, and he saw what I had done. There is no hiding it anymore if I could have ever truly hidden it all from them anyway.

Yes, I have had suicidal thoughts a few times. I have held that razor in my hand and thought about who would miss me if I was no longer here. But each time, I managed to talk myself out of it, even if for a little while.

“Please speak to us if you ever feel that way again. Please don’t ever think you won’t be missed or that we wouldn’t want to know because we do. We would never cope with losing you, Sweetheart,” Travis whispers into my hair.

“Is it all related to things happening with Henry?” Ethan asks. I shake my head and go back to leaning against Travis rather than using him to hide.

“Then, is there something we can change to help?”

“That depends on what kind of thing this is between us,” I admit. Telling them about everything seems like the right thing to do. At least that way, if they decide I’m too much, they can leave before I get attached or used to having them around.

“What do you want it to be?” Travis asks.

“I thought you were going to be my daddy?” I ask. “I thought you cared about me?”

“Sweetheart, I love you, don’t ever doubt that. But if you don’t have those kinds of feelings towards me, you have to say, and I will still be your daddy in a non-sexual way. I will be anything you want me to be for as long as you need me,” Travis whispers, running his knuckles down my cheek.

“We all want to be in a relationship with you but understand that you might not want that. We don’t want you to feel like you have to be with us. We are here for you no matter what,” Ryan adds.

“Do you all want to be my daddy?” I ask, looking around at them all.

“Travis is and always will be your daddy, and if you want us all to be, then we can. But I think I’m more of the type to help you get into trouble with your daddy than actually being one,” Ethan winks as Ryan chuckles and Travis groans.

“I’m not sure I’m daddy material either, but I can be if that’s what you need,” Ryan adds.

“That doesn’t mean I value our relationship, if that’s what you want, over the others. We are three different people who can fulfil your different needs. That’s all. It doesn’t need to be complicated,” Travis says as I look up.

“I like the sound of that,” I whisper, leaning into him. “I’ve had feelings for you all for a long time; I just never thought you reciprocated them.”

“I think we all need to start talking more, not just you,” Ryan says as he smiles at me. “So, what can we help with to remove some of your pain?”

I suddenly feel very self-conscious about what I was going to say. Can I really admit to them that I have a high sex drive? How do I explain that I’m addicted to the feeling of an orgasm to the point I have to cum nearly daily?

“You will laugh at me.”

“No, we won’t. Whatever it is, we can face it together, the four of us and come up with the best solution,” Ethan says, taking my hand. I look down at it momentarily, trying to find the best way to say it.

“Sweetheart, for us to help you, we need to know everything you are feeling,” Travis says softly as he runs a hand up and down my back.

“I have a high sex drive. As in really high! There I said it,” I blurt out looking around at them. I’m amazed when none of them laugh, but I don’t miss the smile on Ethan’s face. “See, you think it’s funny!” I exclaim, leaning back into Travis, who kicks Ethan as Ryan punches his arm.

“I don’t think it’s funny. I think it’s cute you think that’s going to be a problem for us,” he laughs as he leans forward and cups my cheek. “Baby Girl, you have three of us all here, eager to give you anything you need, that includes sex whenever you want it. You need an orgasm? What’s the likelihood that no one is around to help with that? I know I will have no problem dropping whatever I’m doing to give you an orgasm or three. I’m sure the others feel the same way.”

I look to Ryan, who shrugs whilst grinning.

“I’m happy to help whenever you need or want me.”

But it’s the smile on Travis’s face that stops me in my tracks.

“Sweetheart, say the word, and I will drop to my knees and pleasure you in any way and as many times as you need.”

God, that’s hot.

“But I don’t think that’s what you need right now, is it?” Travis asks as I lean into him again. “You need to rest and come to terms with a few things. So why don’t you lie on the bed with these two whilst I try to cook up something for dinner? Then afterwards, we can sit down and talk through anything else that’s on your mind.” He tips my head back before pressing a soft kiss on my lips. “Does that sound okay? Is there anything you fancy for dinner?”

“I don’t know if I can eat much,” I admit. Travis smiles slightly as he brushes away a little hair from my face.

“That’s fine, just eat what you can. But you need to try and eat something.”