“Guys, chill it,” Travis says quietly. Looking up, I see both look from him to me and apologise, precisely what they told me off for doing.

“Sweetheart, you have nothing to apologise for. Like I said to you at the time, never hide your feelings from us. We can’t help you if you do.”

“There’s a lot we need to talk about, and I think there is even more we don’t know when it comes to what’s been going on around here. But we don’t need to do that immediately; everything moves at your pace,” Ethan says next to me as Ryan and Travis nod.

“I don’t even know where to begin,” I croak. My throat’s so sore after screaming at Travis.

“How about we start with, are you hungry? Thirsty? Tired?” Ryan asks as he places a hand on my knee.

“Thirsty,” I admit.

“Then let me go and get you some water. Then you can decide if you want all of us with you or just one.”

“I want all of you,” I say quickly, scared that if I pick one, the others will think I don’t care about them and leave.

“Then how about I make you a sandwich whilst you get comfortable with this pair? We can put on a film or a TV show, and you can have a bite to eat and relax. We don’t have to rush the chat or anything else,” Travis offers. I nod as even though I’m not hungry, I am thirsty, and I like the sound of relaxing a little. “Good girl,” Travis whispers as he leans over and kisses my hair. “I’ll be right back,” he adds before placing his mug on the side and heading out of the room.

“I could eat a sandwich if you are making one!” Ryan calls after him.

“Me too!” Ethan adds, both grinning at each other.

“I’m her daddy, not yours. Get your own fucking sandwich!” I hear Travis call as the others groan dramatically, and I feel one side of my lips lift slightly.

“Well, that’s just rude,” Ryan sighs as he moves to the other side of me and reaches into the cabinet for the remote. “What do you fancy watching Little Kitten? What’s that vampire show you like so much?”

I shake my head as True Blood’s the last thing I want to watch right now. Ryan hums deep in his throat as he opens Netflix and flicks through my recently watched.

“Oh, Gilmore Girls, that’s always fun!” Ethan calls out. Ryan and I both turn to look at him, frowning. “What? Lorelai is a hoot!”

“Idiot,” Ryan mutters as he goes back to flicking through the programmes. “Oh Friends! That never fails to cheer anyone up!” he announces, looking at us. I nod, still holding my doll as I lean against Ethan, who tightens his arm around my shoulders and kisses my head.

“Friends, it is then,” Ryan exclaims happily before starting the episode it’s currently on and sitting back next to me. He holds my hand as the programme begins, and I try to concentrate on the screen, not all the dark thoughts racing around in my mind.



I don’t know how long I sit sandwiched between Ethan and Ryan, watching episode after episode of Friends.

Travis brought me a ham salad sandwich, but I only managed a quarter of it. My stomach was still too knotted up to digest food, and I found myself choking on it after two bites. Travis removed the plate and covered it, telling me to try again later. I’ve never been very good at eating when I’m in a low mood. Let’s face it: my mood couldn’t get any lower right now.

I try to watch the programme and laugh at the jokes that have Ethan and Ryan laughing out loud, but I can’t. So many questions are running through my mind that nothing else is getting through.

The guys take turns showing affection and trying to distract me from sinking into another breakdown. I know they are trying their best, but I’m struggling to find the words to express my feelings because I don’t understand them myself.


I realise I’d been burying my face into the doll Travis gave me, and I look up to see him sitting in the chair, his feet up on the bed. I can see the concern on his face and that he knows how much I’m struggling.

I don’t stop to think. I climb off the bed and curl up on his lap. He instantly wraps his arms around me, caging me against him as I rest my head on his chest.

“Tell me what you need,” he whispers into my hair as the smell of his aftershave invades my senses and calms me. It’s not much, but it’s enough to help me focus on the bigger question.

“What did I do wrong?”

Travis’s arms tighten further as he holds me together.

“I can’t even begin to understand what’s going on in his mind, Sweetheart. But I do know that you’ve done nothing wrong. Sometimes people lose sight of what they have in front of them because they are chasing the bigger things.” Travis runs a hand over my head as he sighs deeply. “All I can promise you is that we aren’t going anywhere. We are all here for you, for whatever you need.” Travis moves slightly so he can look me in the eye. “I know being your daddy isn’t the same as your real father, but I will always put you first; nothing is more important to me than you.”