“I’m going to my room to reply to a few emails. I’ll see you all in the morning,” I announce, walking to my mother and kissing her cheek as she would expect me to. Would she care if there weren’t others around? No, she really wouldn’t. She probably wouldn’t bother with us at all if I didn’t do their accounts for free. I know I’m a fool, but it helps me watch Verity and ensure she has everything she needs.

“Oh, whilst I remember, I need you and Ethan to run an errand in the morning. I already asked Ryan, and he says he is busy with a client online.” She rolls her eyes, and I find myself once again biting my tongue. This woman always expects us to drop whatever we are doing to run around after her. She should be our priority; she gave us life, after all. Or so she has told me time and time again over the years.

“Actually, you asked for all three of us to do it, and I said to send them as I’m busy here.”

“Why would you need all three of us?” I ask, frowning.

“I need some bits picked up from the storage unit. I figured the three of you would manage it better with it being heavy.”

Mum has a lot of stuff in storage, slowly making its way to the States or into this house. She also likes to order things and get them sent there so she can place them in the “right spot” when she is home.

“Fine, give me a list, and we will head off early,” I reply as she smiles happily and pulls a piece of paper from her handbag.

“Everything is listed here,” she announces as she stands up and forces me to bend slightly so she can place a kiss on my cheek. “You are so good to your Mummy,” she grins. I don’t even bother to hide my eye roll as she is too drunk to see it anyway. I turn to look at Ethan.

“Be ready for six. I have to be back and getting stuff done by midday.”

Ethan doesn’t answer. He nods and climbs to his feet.

“Night, Mum,” he says, forcing himself to kiss her on the cheek as I did.

“Good night, sweetie. Be careful tomorrow, both of you,” she calls as we leave the room. I’m halfway up the stairs, wanting a word with my brother before we part ways when I hear Verity calling my name. I turn around to see her rushing up the stairs towards me.

“Everything okay, Sweetheart?” I ask quietly. Verity nods at me, smiling.

“I just wanted to say thank you for the last twenty-four hours. You have done a lot for me; you all have,” she adds quickly, smiling playfully at Ethan before turning back to me. “Plus, it meant a lot to me you coming to watch tonight. Thank you.” She stands on the step above me and kisses my cheek. As I turn my head to look into her beautiful blue eyes, I find myself smiling back.

“I’ll always help you any way I can, Sweetheart.”

She smiles back before turning around to Ethan and kissing him on the cheek.

“Goodnight,” she whispers before rushing down the stairs back into the lounge where her father and our mother are.

“I don’t know about you, but I have a funny feeling they are trying to get us out of the way for a reason,” Ethan whispers as we turn around and continue the walk to our bedrooms.

“That’s exactly what I’m thinking. Which is why I want to be out of here by five so we can get back earlier than they expect us to.”

Ethan nods, and we make a plan to be by my car at five am at the latest. Ethan heads to his room, saying he will message Ryan the plan, and I head into mine and try to work out what the hell they are up to.



I wake up and jump from bed, excited for the first time in weeks, maybe months. All I can think about is getting showered, dressed, and downstairs to see my dad.

I stayed up until midnight, telling him everything he’d missed whilst he was away. Sure, some of it was stuff I’d already told him on the phone or in an email, but it’s different getting to tell him face-to-face.

I’m taking a guess that Linda has sent the guys to get Christmas decorations from storage. We have some here, the same ones Mum used to put up every year, but Linda likes to use her own. Dad says we have to respect that as she may not want to use Mum's things, that they don’t have the same meaning to her as they do us. So, to make her feel at home and ensure we all have the best Christmas, I will do whatever she wants with the decorations. At least we will all be together, and that’s the main thing.

Half an hour later, I rush down the stairs, excited to find Dad and see what he has planned for the day. I also have some great news to share with him.

Last night, when I went to bed, I messaged Jaz and told her he was back. She has said that he can use the O’Reilly box any night he wants to watch our performance. That way, I won’t need to send him the usual video; he can watch it himself. I can’t wait to tell him; he will be so excited and happy. He said he was sorry that all the tickets were sold out last night, but now he can still come.

I rush out of my room and down the stairs, heading to where I can hear Linda laughing. I can only hear one person’s voice, so I’m guessing she’s on the phone. I check my watch and see its half past six. Why is she up so early? She isn’t usually. Maybe it’s the jet lag? Is that a thing when coming from the States? I wouldn’t know because they never let me travel.

I skip into the kitchen to find her not only awake but dressed and with her make-up on as well.

“Oh, I know. I can’t wait either. It’s been so long since we had a big family Christmas,” she grins, her phone pressed to her ear, as she turns around and sees me. “I have to go; I’ll see you later.” She quickly ends the call and smiles at me.