I walk to the first rack, grab an armful of clothes, and pull them from the racks.

“Sweetheart?” I can hear the worry in his voice. When I turn around I see all three of them looking at me.

“I want his stuff out of this house. I don’t care if you take it to a charity shop, to the recycling centre or burn it. But, I want it out now.” I grab another arm full of stuff and throw it onto the pile by my feet.

“Are you sure that’s what you want?” Ethan asks as he approaches me.

“Absolutely, get his shit out of our house!” I don’t mean to snap, but the need to get his stuff out of this house is overwhelming.

All three step forward and help me empty the wardrobe of Dad and Linda's things. We end up throwing them out of the window, and Travis moves them into the car. As soon as it’s full he takes them to the recycling centre where there is a charity bin which accepts clothes and shoes.

With every arm full of stuff leaving the house my heart feels a little lighter, and I realise I want to take back my mum’s home.



Whilst Travis is out we make our way through the rest of the house removing anything I want gone. The guys don’t ask questions. They just take things from me and place them outside in the relevant piles. By the time Travis returns the house is almost empty and the front garden looks like a dumping ground.

“Is there actually anything left?” Travis laughs as he walks into what was Dad's office.

“Probably not,” I reply, climbing to my feet from where I had been looking under the desk. “Ethan phoned a skip guy and he is bringing round a large one tomorrow. Everything that can’t be donated can go in there. The rest we will take to different places tomorrow. I just need to get rid of everything they ruined.” I lean on the edge of the desk, and Travis stands beside me. He takes my hand and holds it between his own. I love how small I am in comparison to him. Having a bigger man, or three, beside me gives me the confidence to do what I want and not what others expect.

“I promised I would check in with you every now and again. So, how are you doing?”

When I look to his face I can see the concern in his eyes. But when I smile, I realise it’s not fake.

“I feel a little better,” I answer honestly. “I know I still have a long way to go, but I like that we have removed him from this place. It’s like undoing some of the pain he caused.” I look at the desk and smile. “Although I’m considering keeping this just for the memory me and you have with it.”

Travis stands and spins me around in one move, forcing me to lean over the desk. He steps behind me, pushing his hips forward as he grabs me around the throat. Causing my sex to instantly flood.

“I’m more than happy to reenact that little scene any time.” He moans into my ear in that deep, sexy voice. “Daddy’s always willing to give his kinky little girl just what she needs.” He grinds up against me again, coaxing a moan out of me. “But not yet.” Travis steps back and pulls me with him before catching me in his arms. “We need to speak to you first; come on.”

Travis takes my hand and marches from the room, dragging me behind him.

“Where are we going?” I laugh, rushing to keep up with him as he leads us past the stairs and into the kitchen.

Ryan and Ethan are sitting around the table with plates of food in front of them. There are two places set for Travis and me as well.

“I grabbed dinner whilst I was out, so sit down,” he orders, pulling out a chair. I frown at him before doing as I’m told.

“You know, you are getting very bossy,” I sigh, rolling my eyes.

“That’s the way you like it, Sweetheart,” he teases as he takes a seat beside me. Well, I can’t really argue that can I.

I quickly start piling Chinese onto my plate and we start talking and eating like it was any normal day, not that we’ve had many of them. For a short while I forget everything we have been through and I focus on the fun we have together. Travis had picked up wine to go with the food and we all have a drink and relax further.

The conversation flows easily as it always has with us, and we tease each other and playfully bicker like our worlds haven’t been turned upside down in the last month.

“We want to discuss something with you,” Travis says as I lift my last forkful of food to my mouth. I freeze my fork still in the air and look at them all cautiously.

“What’s happened?”

“Nothing, we just want your opinion on something,” Ryan says from across the table. I place my fork on my plate and look at them all.

“Okay,” I answer slowly. The three guys all smile at each other, but it’s Travis who takes my hand in his.

“We want you to consider keeping this place.”