“You were a bit of a brat.”

“I think you were right; I needed to sleep.” Verity leans back in my arms so she can look at me. “I do appreciate it when you look after me the way you did last night. If I ever tell you otherwise, I’m lying.”

I chuckle whilst hugging her tighter to me.

“I’m sure there will be times you will hate me for making you put yourself first. It’s not something you are used to doing, which is why you fought me so hard last night.”

Verity shakes her head, leaning back in my arms again.

“I’ll never hate you; I love you too much.”

Pressing a kiss to her lips, I smile as I’m overcome with emotion again.

“Every time I think I can’t love you anymore, you say something like that, and I fall even deeper in love with you.” Leaning in I kiss her again and show her in a whole over way why she is my absolute world.



Hugging my hot tea between my hands, I sit on the bench in Travis’s garden and look out over the field in front of me. After the most amazing wakeup call I came downstairs to have a drink, whilst Ryan dealt with a online fitness class. The time to myself is what I needed to try and digest everything I learnt yesterday.

I think of the guy Dave and how many times I have seen him at the theatre and talked to him about his wife and her love for dancing. That whole time, he was talking to me about my mum, and I didn’t even realise.

But why would I? As far as I’ve been concerned my parents have always been in love and there was never anyone before them. But to find out that she had not one but two lovers before my dad had made me doubt how happy she really was.

I can’t imagine the pain she must have felt when the two men she loved left her as they did. I know when Travis left that morning, it broke my heart. The pain his absence caused me is difficult to put into words. Even though I knew he planned to come back if he could, the pain was still excruciating. How did my mum manage? When did she stop loving them and start loving my dad? Did she ever truly love Henry Stevenson? Or was it the family unit she loved?

I know I could never move on if any of my guys left me. I certainly wouldn’t cope if I were to find out I was pregnant. Was it my fault she let him into our lives? If I hadn’t been born, would she have seen how he was manipulating her? Did he really love her? Or was it just about the house and money? There are so many things that I wish I could have answers for, but I know I only have the information presented in his journal, which Travis doesn’t think I should read. He said he would explain more when he finishes it, but the stuff he’s read isn’t great.

I let out a sigh as I sip my tea and miss my favourite spot in the garden back home. I used to love sitting out there like this. I would see the horses in the next field and look out over the low fog on cold mornings. It was a spot I knew my mum loved too, as I would often find her out there first thing in the morning or late at night when the sky was clear. She loved the garden and the house, making me re-consider what I want to do with it.

“Hey, what you doing out here, Baby?”

I turn to see Ethan leaning against the back door with a smile on his face.

“I just fancied some fresh air,” I reply, forcing a smile.

“Have you found her?” I hear Travis call.

“Yeah, she’s in the garden,” Ethan calls over his shoulder before rolling his eyes at me. “You had your daddies worried.”

“We weren’t worried, just … curious,” Ryan answers, coming into the garden with Travis quick on his tail.

“I’m fine just enjoying the peace and quiet … or I was,” I tease looking at the three of them, before glancing back out over the garden.

“Do you want us to leave you alone?” Ryan asks, walking over to sit next to me. I shake my head as I lean against him.

“No, I was about to come in anyway,” I lie, leaning my head against Ryan's shoulder and looking out over the field.

“Is there anything you want to do today?” Ryan asks, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. I shrug at the same time as I answer in my head. But I can’t bring myself to say it out loud, as I’m not sure if the guys will agree or not.

“Your face is saying something different,” Travis points out as he steps forward and squats down in front of me. “What have we told you about voicing your opinion? We want you to be honest with us and tell us what you want to do, not what you think we want to do.”

I look from him out to the field again and wish I was in my favourite spot.

“I want to go home,” I whisper before looking back at Travis.

“For good? Or for the day?” he asks, taking my hand.