“I’m so glad that fucker is dead. I know I shouldn’t be. Verity is grieving for him, but I hate what he did to her.”

“Makes me wonder if this Dave knew what was going on with her. The fact he is still around and has apparently been watching her tells me he thinks he’s her father. Has she said anything to you guys about it all?”

Ryan nods as he rubs the back of his neck.

“Yeah. She thinks she wants to meet him and ask. But not yet; she wants to come to terms with everything first, which I agree is the best move here.”

I nod in agreement, as I’ve been thinking the same thing.

“What about the house?”

“She’s thinking about that too. She won’t talk about it yet, though, as I’m sure it’s a lot to consider. I think she wants to keep it deep down, though.” He lets out a sigh and heads back towards the door. “Just to warn you, she is moody. I think she is over-tired and needs an early night. Dinner’s in five, don’t make me send her up here to get you,” he calls walking out of the room.

Looking back at the diary in my hand I let out a sigh and finish the entry. I now know how he persuaded the first guy to leave.

Jerry had been working in the large back garden, when henry cornered him. Henry managed to knock him out and drag him to a nearby woods. He left him tied up for days, only popping back now and again to give him water and food. Being left to the cold and wet elements. By the eighth day, he was broken. Henry warned him that if he ever went anywhere near Miriam again, he would kill him next time and take her where no one would ever find her. Jerry agreed and left, but apparently just over a week later Henry saw him going to the house and leaving a note. Henry took the note and then faked a reply to Jerry from Miriam that she couldn’t and wouldn’t forgive him, and they were done. I know things were different back then, as very few people had mobiles or the internet. I can see why persuading him to leave via letters would have been easier. There is still so much that doesn’t make sense, though, and I don’t know if I will ever get the answers I’m looking for.

I place the diary in the top drawer of my bedside cabinet where Verity won’t see it. She may walk around this house freely, but she doesn’t like going in our drawers or wardrobes without checking with us first. I don’t want her reading it; what I read to Ryan is just the sexual side of it. There is also the way he threatened the guys Miriam was dating to leave. It took a lot, as it’s obvious they loved her, but I still can’t believe Jerry left as he did.

I know there isn’t anything in this world someone could do to make me leave Verity. I remember the way I felt when I had the gun pointed at my head, and Verity was freaking out. I didn’t care that it was me that was about to die, I was more concerned about what they would do to her if I weren’t there. If they had said to me, walk away, or they would kill her, would I have walked? I think I would, but I wouldn’t have gone far. I would have waited in the shadows and grabbed her at the first opportunity that arose. There is no way I would leave her in anyone else’s hands but my brothers. I certainly wouldn’t leave, meet someone else and move on. That’s why I think this Dave is her father. He couldn’t move on because not only did he lose the woman he loved, but he lost his daughter as well.

Climbing off the bed I stretch and click my neck which is stiff from yesterday. Spending a full ten hours on the floor looking at paperwork has crippled me. I’m getting too old for this shit.

“Daddy, Bear said dinners ready,” Verity announces walking into the room. “He told me to tell you, if it goes cold it’s your fault.” She’s smiling, but her eyes look tired, and she’s pale.

“You feeling okay, sweetheart?” I ask, approaching her. She nods before closing the distance between us and leaning against me. “What’s bothering you?” I ask running a hand over her smooth hair, which is hanging loose rather than in the ponytail she wore earlier.

“I just have a bad headache, which is getting worse. Bear said I’m to have some food and water then an early night.” She looks up at me through her eyelashes. “He’s becoming bossy.”

“He’s doing his job as your Papa Bear. I agree with him you need all those things, and I’m going to make sure you listen to him. He’s in charge tonight, and what he says goes,” I smile as Verity huffs and walks out of my arms.

“You are meant to take my side,” she huffs again before walking out of the room with that adorable pout she gets.

“I’m not taking sides; I just agree more with Bear than I do you right now. You need to rest,” I answer, walking out of my room and heading down the stairs after her.

“That’s the same as taking sides,” she calls storming into the kitchen where I can hear Ethan and Ryan talking.

“Who’s upset you, Baby Girl?” I hear Ethan ask. I walk into the kitchen just in time to see him pulling Verity onto his lap.

“Daddy and Bear are ganging up on me,” she strops.

“We aren’t ganging up on you, I just said I agreed with Ryan,” I sigh heading over to the side where Ryan is dishing up tomato pasta and veg.

“Which means you are ganging up on me!”

Ryan and I both look in her direction at the same time as Ethan whistles. I’ve always wondered if there was a little in there and now I’m seeing it. Verity told me the other day that when she is tried she gets stroppy, even more so when she hasn’t cum in a few days, which I know she hasn’t. Not since Christmas Day night when she was in with me. Too much has happened since for her to want anything sexual.

“Little girl, carry on with the attitude and you will be going to bed sooner than you think,” Ryan warns beside me, and I have to stop myself from smirking when Verity crosses her arms over her chest and pouts harder. She’s getting bratty fast, and it’s fucking adorable.

“She’s all yours tonight,” I say to my brother as I pick up two plates, purposely leaving the smallest one for Ryan to bring over, knowing it will be Verity’s.

“Best sit in your chair, Baby. Bear isn’t messing,” Ethan points out, tapping her hip. Verity climbs off his lap and sits, looking pissed off.

Ryan walks over and places a plate in front of her as he sits to her right.

“You can sulk all you want. You are exhausted and need to relax and have an early night.” He holds out her fork, and she takes it from him without a word. “Good girl, now eat your dinner and I’ll run you a nice bath.”

I watch as Verity starts eating her food, only occasionally throwing a dirty look at Ryan as she does. Oh, he’s in for a fun night with her.