“You will probably make more sense of this than me. It’s all numbers.” She hands the file to me before pulling out another one.

Flicking through the papers, I notice that most are order forms and account sheets. These are all dated from five years ago. Verity holds the other file out for me to look at, and I realise these are the same but are dated from six years ago.

“When was the first time you realised you couldn’t get down here?” I ask, looking at the dates in the paperwork

“About eight years ago. The cupboard didn’t used to be so full of junk. Over time, it just increased to what was there today.”

I look from the paper in my hands to the large crates around the room. The hope that I’m wrong about the content of those crates is dashed when I spot some powder beside one.

Putting the files back in the drawer, I walk over to the spot of white dust and place a little of it on my finger before rubbing it against my thumb.

“Is that drugs?” Ethan asks behind me. I shake my head and stand so I can carefully look inside the crate that is open slightly.

“I think it’s dust from some sort of ornament.” I look at the top and see it will move easily. “Stay back there. If anything happens, get out of here as quickly as possible.” I slowly push the top of the crate, which slides open. Inside is line after line of China dolls. All in different coloured dresses and outfits.

With some difficulty, I move on to the next crate and push the lid off. This time, it is filled with ballerina figures. Again, all different colours and styles.

“Did he have some strange fetish or something? Why the fuck does he need all these ornaments?” Ethan asks as he looks into the first crate I opened.

“It’s not the ornaments he wanted; it’s what’s inside them,” I whisper as the realisation hits me. “Give me a hand to open all the crates.”

Within five minutes we have each crate open. Some were harder than others but once Verity spotted a crowbar we get through them all quicker. Each box is filled with ornaments, all different styles except two, which contain the same ballerina style. These two are the closest to the stairs and, I think, the last to be placed down here. I found a small slip of paper inside one of them that was dated three years ago.

Ethan gets the last of the filing cabinets open, and I sit on the floor going through all the paperwork inside of them whilst Ethan attempts to get into the safe. Verity goes upstairs to see Ryan and let him know what we have found, giving me space to pay attention to the information in front of me.

Each drawer in a filing cabinet relates to one of the crates. I realise quickly that there is not just the one shipment of ornaments there are hundreds. Carefully, I remove the ballerinas and realise underneath is a different type of ornament with its own folder. Each ornament is two layers deep before another ornament comes into sight. Each one is covered in sawdust and packaging paper, packed perfectly so it doesn’t become damaged under the weight. Every four layers, there is a support shelf which prevents the items on the bottom from being crushed. The bastard knew exactly what he was doing, which tells me he wasn’t working alone. He was too thick to pull what I think he was off.

“She wasn’t joking when she said there was a lot to sort through. Any idea what all of this means?”

I look up at Ryan as he stands over all the paperwork in front of me.

“I have a few ideas and don’t like any of them.” I rub the back of my neck and look behind him.

“Where’s Verity?”

“Just talking to Ethan. I’m going to head back upstairs with her. I have a feeling there are a few other secrets hidden down here and I would prefer it if she weren’t present for them being found.”

I nod in agreement; as I’m about to make a call, I don’t want her to hear, so it would be better if she were upstairs and out of the way.

“Any sign of anything or anyone upstairs?” I ask, already having guessed the answer.

“Nothing. If Mum hasn’t turned up by now, she’s not going to.”

“I’m half expecting Dawn to turn up instead to collect Mum’s things.” I point out, but Ryan shakes his head.

“There's nothing of hers here. I checked out their room quickly; it’s all old stuff and Henry’s—nothing of any importance. I couldn’t even find any jewellery. I can’t imagine they spent enough time here even to unpack a suitcase.”

Just when I think I can’t hate them anymore than I already do, I realise how much they did to avoid spending time with the fantastic woman Verity has become.

“Well, why don’t you take Verity to her room and see if there is anything else she wants to take to ours? I have no idea how long we are going to be down here sorting this shit out. Especially if I’m right about who all of this belongs to.” I wave at the boxes around us. Ryan looks at them for a moment before his jaw drops.

“You don’t think?”

I nod, knowing he has reached the same conclusion as mine.

“I will know for sure in a moment. So, keep her up there as much as possible and pray Henry wasn’t as dodgy as he seems to have been.”

Ryan nods before heading over to Verity and speaks to her. She looks over at me, and I flash her a smile.