Ethan looks at me and smiles as he stands tall.

“I only told the truth, and you know it. You may pretend to be okay with how he treated you last night, but I know you’re not. He is using you, and you can’t see it.”

I stare at him as he comes closer, his chest on display again and begging for me to touch it.

“What happens between him and me is none of your business, Ethan,” I reply, hating the weakness in my voice, knowing he notices by the smirk on his face.

“Baby Girl, I told you, you need a man, not a boy. If you decide you want to experience a real orgasm without the need for toys, you know where I’ll be.” Ethan steps forward and places his hands on the wall on either side of my head, caging me in so I can’t run. He leans in and buries his face into my neck. His lips brush against the skin, causing my sex to come alive. “I think you secretly like the idea of a night with me.” Every word causes his breath to flow over me, igniting the flames more until I know I’m a mess. Ethan pushes himself away from me and stares momentarily before heading towards his bathroom.

“He’s lucky I didn’t break his legs like I promised to. If I were you, I would ask your man where he was yesterday.”

“He was at work,” I reply, frowning. Ethan stops in the doorway.

“If he says so, it must be the truth.”

“What do you know?” I demand, but Ethan just shrugs.

“Nothing for certain, ask him.” He disappears into his bathroom and closes the door, leaving me standing in his room, lost, confused and horny.



Throwing the TV controller onto the sofa beside me, I lean back, groaning behind my hands.

Fuck, I’m in a mood and can’t snap out of it. All I can think about is the way Verity smelt as my nose ran down her neck or the way my cock automatically jumps to attention whenever she’s around.

Even though I’d already been for a run, I’ve worked out in the gym, held two online fitness classes, and I still feel the need to find the fucker Marshall and beat the shit out of him.

How the hell doesn’t Verity see he is using her? I know I shouldn’t have listened last night, but in the time it took me to find my headphones, he had blown his load and finished. I swear the dickhead lasted less than four minutes. If that wasn’t enough to put me in a foul mood with him, then there’s the small matter of what I witnessed yesterday afternoon.

I have no proof, and I’m not even a hundred per cent sure it was him I saw walking hand in hand with a woman who wasn’t Verity. I didn’t see his face, but it was just a gut feeling I couldn’t shake.

“Hey! Anyone home?”

I turn around to see one of my brothers, Ryan, walking into the lounge.

“Hey! You made it then,” I reply, holding up my hand, which he grasps before dropping his bag on the floor.

“Yeah, Trav won’t be here for a couple more days by the look of it. How’s it going? Where’s Verity?” he asks, looking around.

“Hopefully not with her loser boyfriend. She stormed out of here a while ago.” I reply sighing as my mood sours further.

“Uh oh, that doesn’t sound good,” Ryan remarks, sitting beside me. “What’s been going on?”

I fill him in on all I have seen of Verity and the dickhead. Ryan sits and listens as I get it all off my chest. By the time I’m finished, I can’t miss the smirk on his face.

“Looks like you’ve finally realised our little stepsister is, in fact, hot.”

“I noticed that a while ago, I didn’t think you had, though.”

Ryan smiles and leans back into his seat.

“Oh yes. That woman’s had a special place in my heart for a long time,” he sighs.

“You do remember she is our stepsister, right?”

“Exactly, Stepsister, not blood-related, so no foul,” he replies. “Look, as I see it, if anything were to happen, no harm would be done. She is a sweet little thing who, I bet, is hiding a whole level of sexy. There’s something about her that calls to me, and I struggle to ignore it. I bet you know exactly what I mean.”