“Mum got to you?” I ask, taking a seat on one of the other chairs.

“More than she should have. She kept saying I would ruin everything and that Verity was not for me. She meant something by that, and I plan on finding out. I also don’t like that she and Henry made Verity feel so guilty about following her heart. They know nothing about her. Yet they called her a slut and whore, simply for falling for someone.”

I can tell there is more, and I don’t like that he’s hiding it from me.

“There’s something else. Spill it.”

Travis looks around him for a moment and starts pacing.

“I can’t find anything of Verity’s. No birth certificate, anything that may have her parentage on it.”

“And since Trish said what she did the other day, it's playing on your mind.” I finish for him.

“Yes. I have a bad feeling and don’t like it.” He turns to look at me, and I realise I won’t like it either. “Do you think Henry would force his daughter into an arranged marriage?”

“What?” I snap, sitting upright. Travis starts rubbing his face as he paces.

“I don’t know anything for sure; it’s just a feeling I get. But the way they kept saying I would ruin everything and that Verity was to make sure she kept us away, it all feels very suspicious, and I don’t like it.”

“But to say they might be looking to arrange a marriage.” It seems very far-fetched. I didn’t think people did that anymore. But from the look on Travis’s face, he knows otherwise.

“I’ve seen it so many times, Ryan. People want more money and a higher social status, so they arrange for their kids to marry into bigger families. I can’t shake the feeling that’s what’s going to happen here if we don’t get her out.”

The thought of anyone marrying our girl other than us fills me with rage. Over my dead body, will anyone other than a Donavon make that woman their wife. I jump to my feet, unable to sit still any longer.

“So, we pack her bags now and get her out today.”

“That’s what I’m trying to do. But I don’t want to scare her by telling her what I suspect.” Travis has always acted on certainty, not suspicions.

“Especially as you could just be being paranoid,” I point out.

“Exactly. I don’t know what to do!”

Travis admitting he is worried and confused proves how bad this could be.

“Say you are right, and we run off with her; what is the worst that could happen?” I ask, not sure I actually want to know the answer.

“The family she has been promised to could try to take her for themselves, and if Henry is in debt with them, which I think he is, then he won't do anything to protect her, and we could lose her forever.” Travis slumps into the chair again, and I see how much shit we are really in if he is right.




If there is one thing I hate, it’s being kept in the dark.

Verity and I were enjoying our walk when Jasmine called to invite her for a sleepover. At the same time as she received a call, I received a message from Ryan.

Ryan: Hey, KEEP THIS FROM VERITY. You need to bring her back so we can get her to the O’Reilly’s. She is staying there tonight, and we will discuss a few things with them. If she asks any questions, we will discuss the past and put it all behind us for her and Jaz.

Me: What’s really going on?

Ryan: I can't say right now. We will explain everything when Verity is with Jasmine. If she tries to put off going, encourage her to go. Don’t let her suspect anything.

Me: What the fuck is going on?

Ryan: We will tell you everything, just not yet. Don’t blow this. Get her back so we can get her there ASAP!