“I don’t know what to say,” I whisper as my voice cracks. “You guys are amazing.”

“No, Sweetheart, you are amazing and deserve the Christmas of your dreams. Not just this year but every year, and we want to start on the right track before adding traditions for our new little family.”

Ryan hooks a finger under my chin, forcing me to look at him.

“You haven’t celebrated Christmas as you should have the last few years, but that’s all changing. You have us now, and we’ll make sure you never celebrate another Christmas surrounded by anything but love and support. Because you, little Kitten, are more loved than you could ever imagine.” Ryan kisses me as I throw my arms around his neck and pull him in close.

“Yeah, okay, let’s stop that there before you get carried away. You know what you’re like, and we are on a tight schedule,” Travis declares. I reluctantly turn in Ryan’s arms and lean against his front as he holds me from behind.

“What are you trying to say, exactly?” I ask as sweetly as possible. The way Travis crosses his arms over his chest tells me I’m not fooling anyone. The laughter coming from Ethan and Ryan confirms it.

“I’m saying you are as addicted to sex as we are to you. Which means I know exactly where that will end up if it continues.”

I turn around to look at Ryan through my lashes and place my hands on his firm chest.

“Where would that have ended up, Bear?” I ask sweetly. Ryan grabs my ass and throws me onto the top of the table as I squeal before he slides between my legs, grabbing behind one of my knees and lifting it so he can get in closer.

“Right here where I can bury my cock so deep into your waiting pussy that they won’t know where I start and you end,” he growls, leaning in and kissing me. He slides his hand up my thigh until it reaches my ass, and I hear the moment he realises I’m naked underneath my robe.

“I want that,” I moan as his finger brushes over my entrance. “I really want that!”

“Tough, we have things to do, and you need to be dressed for us to do them.” He kisses me hard before pulling me from the table as I giggle.

“I think Daddy may have been right; I’m addicted to sex,” I point out as Ryan's deep chuckle fills the dining room, making my heart beat harder. I love it when I make the guys laugh. I don’t think I could describe how happy it makes me. It’s the little signs like that which tell me they are here because they want to be, not because they feel they should be.

“If he tries to discipline you for it, let me know, and I will administer the punishment,” he winks at me.

“I don’t think that’s how it works!” I exclaim. “It would probably be your fault anyway!” I point out. Ryan wraps an arm around my waist and tugs me against him.

“My sweet little kitten, it will always be your fault as you are too irresistible and adorable. How are we meant to say no to you?”

“By trying harder!” Travis calls as he walks out of the dining room. Ryan bursts out laughing as I hide against his chest. He whispers something about facing the music and leads me out the door into the lounge, where Travis and Ethan are watching us. Ethan has a huge grin on his face, but Travis’s eyebrows have disappeared into his hairline.

“Sorry, Daddy, I’m being good,” I say quietly, giving him my best puppy eyes. Ethan and Ryan laugh as Travis beckons me over with one finger.

I sheepishly make my way over to him and come to a stop so I have to look up through my eyelashes to see his face. I bite my bottom lips to stop myself from smiling. I know he would never really be mad at me for trying to get some action from them.

“Go, get washed and dressed; we leave in fifteen minutes. I will have your coffee and breakfast waiting for you, so hurry up,” he orders, pointing towards the stairs. I can see the smile threatening to ruin the firm look he is trying his hardest to uphold. Lifting onto my tiptoes, I kiss his cheek.

“Yes, Daddy,” I whisper before turning around and rushing towards the stairs.

“Make sure you wrap up warm,” he calls after me. “We are getting a real tree!”

I scream happily as I rush up the stairs even quicker, desperate to get ready in record time and spend the day doing all kinds of Christmas things with all three of my amazing men.



I sit back in my usual spot on the sofa, watching Verity laugh as she dances with my brothers. Christmas music is blaring, the mulled cider has been drunk, and we are now on our own drinks of choice. The tree is up in the spot she chose, and she’s been in charge of decorating the whole house.

I don’t think there’s a room that doesn’t have some kind of decoration in it. She even insisted that we hang them in each of our rooms, and we, of course, let her. She has gotten whatever she wanted today, and I know she will always get what she wants as we are all wrapped around her little finger, and she knows it.

I sip my whiskey as Verity’s laughter rings out over the music, and I know we have managed to achieve precisely as we planned. Our girl is laughing, carefree and, most importantly, happy.

In the short time since we arrived, Verity has been through so much, but she has started to come out of the other side, and I know she will be happier for it. Of course, I know she isn’t magically healed just by us putting up some decorations and getting a little drunk with her. But it is a start, and that is all we can ask for at the moment.

I look up in time to see Verity frowning at the window as car lights shine through it.