“We’re fine; we ate before coming out. We’ll meet you by the car in ten minutes,” I reply, leaning in and kissing her.

“Don’t be long. I won’t be waiting around,” Travis calls as they head off through the crowd and towards the door. Verity turns around and waves before they disappear from view.

“You know it’s probably a good thing we have him to take care of her. Otherwise, we would have her necking shots rather than going for food.” I’m all up for taking control in the bedroom. Fuck, she called me Sir the other night, and I nearly lost control. But outside, I’m all about having fun and doing stuff Travis would probably frown upon.

“Have you thought any more about the whole daddy thing?” Ryan asks as he picks up his pint.

“Yeah, and it’s not for me. What about you?” Watching him, I notice he’s deep in thought.

“I’m reconsidering it.”

“Really?” I ask, amazed. “You seemed so sure the other day that it wasn’t for you.”

“I know, but I want to look after her and give her everything that she may need, which includes a daddy if she needs one.” Ryan looks into his glass and shrugs absentmindedly. “I don’t know. I was lying there last night, watching her sleep, and I knew that there was nothing I wouldn’t do to keep her safe and happy. I mean, I’m sharing her with you guys, after all. But it was more than just being in love with her. He starts swirling his drink around his glass absentmindedly.

“Have you spoken to her about it?”

Ryan shakes his head before looking around the bar.

“No, but I spoke to the twins, and Sean thinks I should ask her what she wants from me. At the end of the day, we never asked her if she wanted this relationship; we forced it on her when she was at her most vulnerable. What if once she has begun to heal, she realises this isn’t what she wants?”

“I think you’re looking too into it,” I sigh picking up my glass. “Verity is stronger than we give her credit for, and she knows what she wants. She wants us; she has made that obvious in her own way. She just doesn’t trust us not to hurt her, which is understandable after everything she has been through with her prick of an ex and sad excuse of a father.”

“You mean that excuse of a prick there?” Ryan asks, nodding behind me. I turn around just in time to see the very prick take a seat at the table two down from us. A brunet sits on his knee.

“Is that the woman he was cheating with?” Ryan asks as he grabs his glass and necks it.

“Yep, looks like it. Wonder if she knows how much of a dick he is?” I down the rest of my pint, and we stand together before heading towards the table, purposely not looking directly at it until we are beside it.

“Oh look, if it isn’t numb nuts, Marshall. Is this the woman you cheated on Verity with? Or is it a different one this week?” I ask as he glares at me.

“Don’t worry about him; Verity’s better off now anyway. At least she doesn’t have to resort to toys, as you don’t leave her sexually frustrated,” Ryan laughs beside me.

“No, she no longer needs the toys unless we feel like a bit of fun.” I turn my attention back to Marshall. “I hear she needed them after most nights with you, as you could never find the magic button.”

“You’re fucking your sister?” Marshall asks, amazed as his friends laugh.

“Stepsister, not blood-related. So perfectly legal and hot as fuck.” I lean on the table to get closer to the chick on his lap. “So, is this the one who wouldn’t sleep with you? I hope you are still holding out love. Otherwise, you might be left disappointed.” I look over my shoulder at Ryan and see him smirking. “What was his excuse for cheating?”

“He had to prove to himself he wasn’t a failure because he could never make Verity cum.”

“That was it!” I look back to Marshall, who’s bright red and glaring at us. “Has he managed to make you cum yet? Or do you have to fake it for him like his ex did?” The girl looks away, embarrassed, and his mates roar, laughing. “I’d take that as she fakes it,” I wink, standing up and turning to my brother.

“Come on, I’ve had enough of the crowd in here tonight; they seem like a waste of space and limp dicked. See you later, numb nuts!” I pat him on the shoulder as we walk past, and I hear his friends start laying into him.

“Do you feel better now?” Ryan asks as we walk out of the bar, thanking the security guys as we pass.

“Yep. Would have been better if he gave me a reason to punch him again, but we can’t win them all.”

We head to the car park where I can see Verity and Travis almost reaching the car. I wink at Ryan before sneaking behind them and grabbing her around the waist. As Verity screams, Travis spins around, ready to punch whoever was manhandling his woman. But rolls his eyes instead when he realises it’s only me.

“Dickhead,” he mutters under his breath as I spin Verity around in my arms and pick her up so her legs are wrapped around my waist.

“Talking of dickheads, we just bumped into one,” I announce, grinning as Verity places her arms over my shoulder and grins down at me.

“That’s not a nice thing to call, Daddy.”

“Hey!” Travis protests as he opens the car door and drops a bag of take out of the footwell on the passenger's side. He strides up to me, and I pass over a wiggling Verity who starts protesting loudly.