“Lastly, this is for you. I saw it yesterday and wanted to give it to you for Christmas. But I think you need her now rather than later. So, from now on, if I see you with this doll, I’ll know you need me, and I will drop everything to be there for whatever you need.” I place a hooked finger under her chin and force her to look at me. “I know you have been told to hide your feelings, and it will take time to admit you need something. So, we’ll use this doll as an unspoken signal for the time being. I don’t want ever to see you hiding your feelings around me; I don’t care what you need, you tell me. Okay?”
Verity nods as she takes the doll and hugs it against her chest.
“Thank you,” she whispers into it as her eyes find mine. I kiss her forehead and hold her as she holds the doll.
“I really would do anything for you, Sweetheart. I don’t care how long it takes for you to see that, as I’m never leaving your side again.”
I wake up alone on the bed, still clinging to the doll Travis gave me.
I don’t remember much of what happened, from Dad leaving to Travis pulling me into his arms. I don’t think I want to remember, either. My dad broke my heart in a way I never thought he would, and I don’t think anything will repair it this time. Not when it comes to our relationship, anyway.
I roll onto my other side and look around, expecting to see someone sitting in the chair or standing close by, but the room’s empty. Panic starts to build as I realise I’m completely alone. He promised he wouldn’t leave, but he’s left.
I cling to the doll and try to take a calming breath, but I can’t. I’ve been torn open today, and I’m emotionally and physically drained. All the barriers I’ve built around myself over the years came crashing down all at once today, and I don’t know how to put them back up.
“You can’t tell me what to do when it comes to her. You’re not the only one who gives a shit!”
I sit up as I hear Ethan’s raised voice outside my room.
“That’s not what Travis is saying,” Ryan sighs. “Think about it. If you have any doubts about whether you want a relationship with Verity, now is not the time to start it. Trav and I know what we want, and he’s checking you do, too.”
“This isn’t me taking charge or anything like that before you start. But when she wakes, I want to be sure we are all on the same page. She has been abandoned enough. I don’t want her to ever feel like this again,” Travis adds.
“You think I don’t know that? Do you think this is just a game for me? Well, it’s not. She’s my girl as much as she’s yours,” Ethan snaps. I sit back on the bed and rest against the headboard, holding the doll tightly against my chest with my knees up. Do all three really want to be there for me? I know that’s what they are implying, but is it what they want? Or is this all because they feel sorry for me?
“That’s all I needed to hear,” Travis sighs before mumbling something I can’t make out.
“Go sort yourself out; I’ll sit with her for a bit. She’ll wake up soon anyway; it’s been over an hour since she fell asleep,” Ethan says as I hear the door opening and Travis mumbles he’ll be right back.
“Go get yourself a coffee, and me one whilst you’re there,” Ethan says a little louder as he’s now in the room. I hear the door closing before he walks into view.
“Oh, look who’s awake,” he smiles, walking over to the bed and sitting on the edge. “How you doing?” he asks, gently squeezing my knee.
“I don’t know,” I admit. I feel so confused, hurt, tired, angry, and completely numb at the same time.
“That’s to be expected, Baby Girl. You’ve been through a lot today.”
I nod, resting my chin on my doll. It feels right to cling to it. I might be twenty-one, but a part of me feels like the six-year-old who their father abandoned for the first time. It’s never gotten easier, but this time hurts the most.
Ethan moves until he is sitting beside me at the top of the bed. I scoot over to give him some room and lean into him as he places an arm around my shoulders.
“I know you have been through hell and probably don’t believe me. But It’s not only Travis who’s here for you. We all are, and we aren’t going anywhere.”
I let out a deep sigh as I smell the top of the doll. I want to believe him, but it’s hard to believe anything anyone says right now. I don’t know if I even trust my own mind right now. I haven’t been able to trust anyone fully for a very long time, and I know that isn’t going to change any time soon.
I hear the door open, followed by Travis and Ryan's hushed voices. Ethan and I look up as they both come into view.
“Hey, sleeping beauty, how you feeling?” Ryan asks, walking over and handing a mug to Ethan. Travis approaches and holds out my favourite mug.
“I made you one for when you woke up. Do you want it now or in a bit?” he asks gently. I hold out my hands as I leave the doll resting against my chest. Travis hands the mug over, and I take a small sip, instantly regretting it as it feels like I’m swallowing a million tiny shards of glass. I start to cough, and Ethan quickly takes it from me.
“Here, let it cool a bit,” he says, placing it on the small cabinet beside the bed. Ryan sits by my feet as I bury my face into my doll. I can feel all three of them watching me, waiting for me to break again.
“I’m sorry,” I start, but Ethan and Ryan instantly start talking simultaneously, telling me to stop.