“I hope you’re not starting on him as well because he’s less likely to hold me back,” Jasmine glares at me as she approaches.
“Calm down, Angel. We were talking, that’s all,” Jason says as she kisses him quickly before leaning against him. He puts an arm around her shoulders.
“Jasmine, I would like to apologise for how I spoke to you last night. I was concerned about Verity and not thinking rationally. However, that’s no excuse for the way I treated you. So please accept my sincere apology.”
I can see Verity smiling beside her and realise that even if Jasmine doesn’t accept my apology, Verity will know I am truly sorry for my actions.
“Fine, apology accepted. But, if you ever speak to my fiancé, any of them, like that again, you will regret it quickly,” she warns as Jason kisses the top of her head, chuckling.
“If you think we are protective of her, that’s nothing compared to what she is like with us,” he smirks. I nod to them both before turning my attention to Verity.
“You danced beautifully tonight, Sweetheart.”
“So that was you I saw in the audience?” she asks excitedly. I smile, nodding at her.
“I thought I would surprise you and watch. The guys also wanted to, but I could only get one ticket.”
Verity surprises me by excitedly dropping her bag and throwing her arms around my neck.
“If I had known how happy it would make you, I would have done it earlier,” I laugh into her hair.
“You have no idea how happy I am that someone watched,” she whispers before letting me go. When she looks at me again, I can see her eyes are full of tears. When was the last time anyone watched her dance? Has it really been that long?
“Come on, Jazzy, we need to get back. Sean and Maximus should be back by the time we get home.”
Jasmine's face lights up; she turns to Verity and hugs her. I don’t miss that she whispers something in her ear before kissing her cheek and stepping back to Jason's side.
“See you tomorrow, Verity,” she calls before looking at me. Her smile drops, but she doesn’t look like she wants to kill me, so I’ll take that as a win. “See you later,” she says with less emphasis before Jason leads her towards the door, her bag now in his hand.
“Later, Donavon. Think about what I said,” Jason calls before disappearing out of view. I only manage to hold my hand up before he’s gone.
“What did he say to you?” Verity asks as I take the bag from her.
“Nothing for you to worry about, Sweetheart,” I reply before offering her my arm. “Let’s get you home so you can rest,” I add, leading her to the front door and out into the cold night.
Verity starts to shiver as soon as we are outside, and I remove my arm from hers and wrap it around her shoulder, pulling her against me, hoping to shield her from the cold winter breeze. As we reach the car, I ensure she is inside safely before placing her bag on the back seat and moving to the driver's side.
“Let’s get you warmed up.” I turn on the heated seats and the heaters and let the car de-mist as we wait.
“How you feeling now? Are you still cold?” I ask, looking to my left to find her smiling at me.
“Has anyone told you you’re very caring and thoughtful?” she asks as her smile brightens further.
“I’ve been called many things, Sweetheart, but nothing like that,” I laugh before turning away. She places her hand over mine, which rests on the dashboard, causing me to turn back to her. She is so beautiful, I don’t know if she realises how perfect she is, not just in her looks but everything about her.
A strand of her blonde hair hangs down the side of her face, and I reach up to tuck it behind her ear. As my knuckles brush against her cheek, I don’t miss how her eyes close, and she leans into my touch. I act before I think and lean in, softly pressing my lips to hers. I expect her to move away from me, but she doesn’t. Instead, she looks me in the eye for a moment before kissing me back.
There are a million things I should be thinking about right now, but all that matters is that her lips are finally against mine, and they feel so right. It takes everything in me not to drag her to the back seat and make love to her the way I want to, but this isn’t how I pictured our first time—rushed in a car on a cold night. I want to take her home and make love to her all night in my bed or hers. Fuck, I wouldn’t even care if one of the guys joined us. All I want is her. Jason’s right; why shouldn’t I tell her how I feel? How we all feel.
I pull away slightly and smile when I see the soft smile on her just kissed lips.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” I whisper, running my knuckles down her cheek.
“Yes, Sweetheart?”
She looks up at me with the most amazing fuck me eyes that. I feel myself getting hard in my trousers.