I pull onto the drive and notice a different car parked up. For the briefest moment, I get excited that it may be my dad again, but then I remember he said he was still in the States last night, so it can’t be him. If Ethan has a woman in my house, I’m going to kill him! If I’m not allowed to have people around without him causing trouble, then neither can he.

I jump out of my car and rush into the house as my temper gets the better of me.


I charge towards the lounge, where I usually find him watching some rubbish action film, but he’s not there.

“Ethan! I know you’re here!” I shout, marching into the kitchen, but find it empty. I growl with frustration as I charge towards the stairs to come face to face with Ryan, quickly realising it must have been his car outside.

“Where’s Ethan?” I demand.

“Well, hello to you too, Little Kitten.”

I roll my eyes and hug him, feeling bad for snapping.

“Sorry, how are you, Ryan?” I ask as he kisses my cheek and steps back.

“I’m good, thank you. You don’t seem to be, though. Want to talk about it?” he asks as he puts his arm around my shoulders, leading me to the lounge.

“I would rather beat Ethan,” I sigh, falling onto the sofa.

“Well, he’s out at the moment, so talk to me about it.”

I close my eyes and remind myself I can’t cry.

“He told my boyfriend something, and now he’s ignoring my calls, and I think he’s going to break up with me, and it’s all Ethan's fault.” I take a deep breath to stop myself before I say more. Ryan reaches over and takes my hand.

“He told me. Do you want my opinion?”

I look at him and shake my head.

“You will side with Ethan. You three always stick together.”

Ryan reaches up and tucks some hair behind my ear.

“Little Kitten, we don’t side against you. We have more life experience and can see a disaster before you. That’s what this relationship is: a disaster that will only end in tears. Your tears, to be precise.”

I turn and stare at him, before pulling my hand from his and standing.

“You haven’t even met Marshall; how do you know anything about this relationship besides what Ethan told you? I bet he forgot to mention how he told me to go to him when I was ready to sleep with a real man, did he!”

Ryan bursts out laughing as he shakes his head.

“No, he didn’t. The big-headed bastard, he’s got balls, I’ll give him that.”

“It’s not funny!” I snap, storming from the room. I hate it when people laugh at me.

“Kitten, wait!” Ryan calls, chasing after me.

“Why? So, you can laugh at me further? I bet you’re all getting a right kick out of this. Stupid blonde little Verity is about to get her heart broken because her stepbrother doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut.”

“It’s not like.”

“Don’t you dare stick up for him. He had no right telling Mitchell what he did, and he certainly shouldn’t have listened in to what he did. It’s fine because soon enough, you will go home again and leave me to pick up the pieces. Once again, I will be the one left on my own. Well, you can all go to hell!”

I spin around on my heels and charge out of the house, ignoring Ryan calling after me. My anger has hit boiling point, which means I no longer have any control over it. I need to get out of here before I punch someone.

As I reach the car, Ryan grabs the door, stopping me from getting inside.