“I’m glad to hear your father is finally coming home for a bit.”
Looking up from my book, I find Danielle King taking a seat beside me.
“How do you know? I only found out this morning,” I ask, picking up my mug and sipping my latte. I love this time of year; the coffee shop on the school grounds gets gingerbread flavouring, so I can drink gingerbread lattes whenever I want.
“Dad told me last night. He said Henry called to ask if he would be around as he wants to talk business or something.”
Why did he tell someone else he was coming home before me? You would think that as his daughter, I would be the first person he told.
“I’m hoping that will mean he’s home for a while, maybe even for Christmas. Otherwise, why would he be coming back next week?” I answer, trying to keep the hurt from my voice. I can’t believe he spoke to Mr King before his own daughter. Then I remembered I texted him that I was exhausted, so he must have wanted me to rest. That makes more sense than him thinking of me last.
My father’s work forces him to live in the States for most of the year. Which means he’s away more than he’s home. I’ve suggested several times that we move over there, but he doesn’t seem to like the idea of me being out there. He’s never let me travel with him; I’ve never been to the States, and I don’t even know what he does other than make money through stocks and shares. Occasionally, he will invest the money he makes into businesses like Danielle's father’s casino and racehorses. But otherwise, he spends everything he makes, ensuring that I have everything I could need.
“Wasn’t he home last Christmas?” she asks, cutting up her baguette. I shake my head whilst picking at the fruit salad I picked up this morning. I will never understand how others can eat large meals hours before a performance. It makes me feel heavy and fat, distracting me from the dances, so I prefer something light with no carbs.
It’s the first of December, so we’re in the final month of our Christmas production. This year, we are performing “The Nutcracker”. Usually, we only perform in December, but with the rising costs of everything at the dance school I attend, we have been performing for the last two months, trying to sell as many tickets as possible to raise essential funds.
The whole company is physically and mentally exhausted and cannot wait to finish on Christmas Eve. We then have three weeks off to recover before returning in the new year to prepare for the summer production. We will also have our final exams for our degree in dance.
“Huh,” Danielle mutters, catching my attention. “I’m sure he was at my parents' Christmas Eve party,” she frowns.
“No, he was in the States as something came up at the last minute, and then he couldn’t get a flight,” I explain. She must be mistaken because he wouldn’t lie about being away, especially at Christmas.
Danni starts eating her food as I sit quietly, contemplating what it will be like to have Dad home. I can't remember the last time he was here for Christmas. Being in the States makes it difficult to travel at the best of times, but the holiday season makes it near impossible.
“What’s your plans if he doesn’t stay for Christmas?” Danni asks next to me. I shrug and look into my almost empty glass cup.
“Nothing, I guess. I’ll just be on my own.”
“You can’t spend it alone!”
I look up at my friend and see the concern on her face.
“It’s fine. It won’t be the first time,” I smile, hoping she will drop the subject because, in all honesty, it’s far from fine. But I hate the idea of her worrying about me.
It’s crazy to think that this woman was a bitch to Jasmine and me just eight months ago. I think it’s fair to say she hated us. We stayed out of her way, and she made it her mission to make our lives hell. All that changed when Jasmine was attacked seven months ago. Danielle found her and raised the alarm. Since then, they put the past behind them, and I gradually warmed to her as well.
Six months ago, she proved how good a friend she could be when my drink was spiked during a night out for Jasmine's twenty-first birthday; the night had been amazing until that point. We later discovered my drink had been spiked to ensure Jasmine's bodyguards were preoccupied with me so she could be kidnapped. The whole experience has brought the three of us closer than ever.
The drugs they gave me were strong, and it took me three days to recover. Danielle didn’t leave my side for the first night until the eldest of my stepbrothers, Travis, turned up and took over my care. Even then, she called numerous times a day and kept me posted with all the updates whilst people searched for Jasmine until she was rescued a few days later.
Danielle and I spent some time with Jasmine afterwards, helping her to heal and come to terms with a few things she learnt during her time with the kidnappers. Since then, we have been inseparable. We do everything together, and it’s hard to believe we were anything other than best friends.
“Has Jasmine been picked up?”
Danielle nods whilst finishing her baguette.
“Yeah, Maximus picked her up twenty minutes ago. He is taking her to her therapy session and then bringing her back to get ready for the show.”
Poor Jasmine has been having therapy every week for the last five months. The O’Reilly’s, her four fiancés, insisted on it after she was taken, not only for the fact she was kidnapped but for the truths she discovered during that time as well. There is nothing those four guys wouldn’t do for her, and they have done all they could to give her the safe environment she deserves while she heals.
Jasmine is so lucky to have not one but four men willing to give her everything she needs. There is nothing they wouldn’t do for her, and I have to admit I’m jealous of her for that.
I look down at my phone as it vibrates on the table with a text from my boyfriend.