Page 47 of A Cursed Son

I’m feeling bad now for fighting them. “Did I hurt you?”

Nelsin chuckles and shakes his head.

Ferer shakes his head as well, but he’s serious. “You shouldn’t be at the edge of the water alone like that. You need to understand that from the moment you chose Marlak, you chose a life of incertitude and danger. There are more enemies who’d like to get ahold of him than is even possible to count, and they’ll target you.”

Does he really think I chose Marlak? An odd chuckle escapes me. “Awesome perk, right? But at least I have a pleasant prince to keep me company—sometimes.”

Nelsin grins and gives me a sideways look. “Methinks you like danger.”

I laugh. “Who doesn’t?” Do they realize I’m being sarcastic? I’m not sure.

We all enter the house, then Nelsin cleans the plates using water magic, and leaves them on the counter. Since Marlak has referred to me as a guard, I tell them what I used to do, without revealing too many details. I just say I was supposed to protect Princess Driziely.

The knights are both from the Crystal Court, but they say it’s not a good place for someone who doesn’t look fully high fae, or rather, with only human traits, except for the ethereal beauty, grace, and pointy ears, I guess.

I point to Ferer. “But you are…” I was going to say normal, but realize it sounds distasteful. Human is not the right word either. “Purely high fae, aren’t you?”

He laughs and shakes his head, then shows me his neck.

It takes me a few seconds to realize he has gills. “Can you breathe under water?”

“For only a short period, unfortunately.”

“You could hide that easily, couldn’t you?”

He raises his eyebrows. “Should I? Should I hide what I am and stand with people who’d hate me if they knew everything about me?”

A chill runs over my skin. He’s just described me, hiding my identity, but it’s not like I have a choice. “Sometimes it’s a matter of survival.”

“What if my survival means the death of my brothers? Is it just survival?”

“I don’t know.” Indeed I don’t. And his words make me uncomfortable. I haven’t caused the death of a single darksoul, nor am I responsible for anything that happened to my ancestors. I try to change the subject. “Are things that bad in the Crystal Court?”

Ferer says, “For us, yes. We could face death or imprisonment and have no means of hoping for any justice.” He then adds, “For us, Marlak’s our true king.” He takes Nelsin’s hand.

I find the idea puzzling. “But he’s…”

“Human? Maybe,” Ferer says.

“See? That’s what doesn’t make sense,” Nelsin adds. “You are born with cat ears, you’re no longer high fae.” He rolls his eyes and grimaces. “So they want human traits. You’re Marlak, born with only human traits, and now that’s a problem, too.”

“But he’s…” Was I really going to say a family murderer? I need to smarten up. “Exiled, right?”

Nelsin sighs. “Only a king can exile someone, and the Crystal Court has no king, so exiled is not the right word. Marlak’s unrecognized. Now, there’s a solution for every problem. You being here only complicates the problem, but who am I to judge matters of the heart?” He looks at Ferer.

Rather, they share a look, and it’s everything; as if they were seeing each other as the best version of themselves and becoming even lovelier by sharing that look. I realize they’re in love, and can’t help but feel a small pang of envy, unsure if I’ll ever look at someone like that and see the same feeling in their eyes.

I smile. “You’re a beautiful couple.” They are. Love might be illogical, but it can make people magnificent. It even turns gorgeous fae into even more wondrous creatures.

Nelsin chuckles. “The cat and the fish. Who could guess?”

I chuckle too.

He then adds, “You and Marlak are also beautiful.”

I almost choke on my laugh, unsure if he truly thinks me and the prince are something special and if I should or shouldn’t deny it. I mean, they might notice we have separate bedrooms, but I don’t know what they were told.

Ferer elbows his companion and looks at me. “We know it’s just an alliance, not a love match.”