Page 42 of A Cursed Son

“Good to know.” I have to change the subject, fast. “If it’s not too much work, is it possible to get me a dressing table, so I can?—”

“Of course! I can’t believe I forgot it. I’ll get one in your room and one in this bathing chamber. If there’s anything else you need, just tell me.”

Yes, the location of the Crystal Court relics. No, I don’t think that would go down well. Instead, I nod. “I will.”

He looks away and fiddles with his rings, as if he’s unsure what to say. If he didn’t even plan for this, and instead rushed into the Krastel castle this morning, then he’s improvising. I still don’t understand why he brought me here. The explanation about his secrets makes sense, but it can’t be the whole truth. And yet, what is the truth?

He sighs. “I… suppose you’re tired and hungry. Do you want to bathe, eat, rest?”

Well, he’s smelling citrusy while I probably still stink from jumping rope, so the choice is quite obvious. “I’m hungry, but I think I’d like a bath before eating.”

“Of course.” He enters the bathing room, opens the window, and a jet of water comes through it, filling the tub in a matter of seconds. He does it so casually, like magic is nothing special at all. I guess for him, it isn’t.

He then stares at me and pauses, as if remembering something. “Wait.” He leaves the room and soon returns holding a soft bed cover in cotton. “I don’t have towels yet, but you can use this for now.” He points at the door. “It can be barred from the inside, but…” He bites his lip. “Sure, you can bar it. And close the curtain. I’ll have lunch ready when you’re done.”

With that, he closes the door. It has a wooden latch that I turn. Only then do I take a deep breath. I’m alone and undisturbed for the first time since being summoned from the training grounds. It’s good to know that I can be alone, that I can have a moment of peace, perhaps even many moments. I’ll be able to color my hair. I’ll even be able to prepare some concoctions and poisons, if necessary. I know that the bag Otavio sent me doesn’t have only beauty products.

Would I dare poison Marlak? Kill him? Well, wasn’t that what I trained for?

I’m glad to get rid of that ugly red dress, then remove my breastband and underpants, relieved to be naked, until I realize I have nothing else to wear and will have to put my underwear back on.


I don’t see any servants or maids and wonder how this is going to work. Did he really say that he was going to prepare lunch? At least I know how to take care of myself and don’t need anyone doing my hair, and yet it’s still strange, for a prince. Then again, it’s not strange for a disgraced, fugitive prince. Perhaps I should be glad we aren’t in a hole somewhere.

I put my foot into the bath, which looks more like a huge wooden barrel. The water’s extremely cold. I wonder if I should ask Marlak to heat it. I’m sure he can do it, with his powerful magic, but I’m already naked and frankly, starving, so I go in, just to freshen up. It’s funny because in the Elite Tower, baths were a luxury, and I usually washed with a basin and a cloth. But this chilly water doesn’t feel luxurious.

There’s no soap and I’m wondering about the futility of this as I leave the bath before freezing. At least I have something that resembles a towel and I guess I got rid of any sweat from the morning training. As I’m putting on my clothes, I hear voices outside. One of the knights? A visitor?

When I open the door, I find the hallway empty. “Marlak?”

“Here,” he replies from what is now my room. He’s crouched over something. My bags. I notice that there’s a bar with some hangers beside the door, and two of my new ugly dresses are already there.

Marlak holds a small drawstring pouch and looks at me, an eyebrow raised. “Is the Krastel kingdom so poor that this is all they paid you? Thirty-two silver ducks?”

Blood rushes to my face as I hear a loud pounding in my ears. How dare he? How dare he touch my belongings? How dare he ask about that?

I snatch the pouch out of his hands. “This is none of your business.”

His eyes widen. “I was just trying to help you unpack.”

Like a servant? No, he wanted to see what I brought, and the bath was just an excuse.

“They sent no dowry, therefore no money.” My voice is a furious hiss. “You knew that when you made this deranged choice.”

He shows me the palms of his hands. “I have no intention of claiming anything from you, I just…”

“You just what?” I’m still so angry that he touched my things without permission, that he invaded my privacy, without asking first.

“I’m surprised at how little they paid you, that’s all.” What an idiot.

“I’m not paid. I’m an honorable member of the Elite Guard.”

“Wait.” He raises an eyebrow. “You were a slave?”

Does he want my head to explode in fury? “I can see you know nothing about honor, and how could you?”

“Oh yes, how could I?” He snorts. “That said, I do know about lack of honor, and it usually goes hand in hand with exploitation.”