Page 20 of A Cursed Son

I’m in Lord Stratson’s state, on a single bed, leaning on Marlak’s chest. Moonlight caresses his star-shaped scar and tattoos, making them clearly visible.

Peering into his mesmerizing dark eyes, I ask, “What do you think happened?”

“I don’t know.” He plants a gentle kiss on my forehead and caresses my hair. How can a simple touch feel so good? “But I’m glad you’re here.”

The low rumble of his voice relaxes me, soothes me. His smile and gaze are life, love, power. He’s more than beautiful, he’s magical, and I can feel our love binding us like a powerful light.

I caress his chest, then slide my hand to his stomach, his skin so warm, so soft. I love the way he moans. My hand descends until I feel him hardening in my grip.

I look at him, at his lovely eyes, now closed. “I wanted this so much.”

He opens his eyes and gives me an intense look. “It’s yours, azalee. All yours now and forever.” His voice is solemn, serious. It’s a promise, an oath, a gift.

My eyes snap open. I don’t have the strength to be embarrassed about the dream. At least it’s just mine.

Is it?

Well, of course it is. It’s my bizarre dream. For once I asked the right question. What happened?

But my attention shifted to something else, which apparently is mine. He said it the way someone presents a sword at a ceremony.

Ugh. I don’t want Marlak’s man thingy.

I have no responsibility over some insane part of me that I have no control over. Who has loving dreams about a family murderer? And that might be the worst part, that it’s all with that loving feeling, a sense of deep connection. I’m losing my mind.

I turn to look at the room and see Ziven’s exposed butt, his clothes scattered on the floor. It’s true that it’s hot, and maybe he thought I was asleep. I’ll pretend I never saw anything and try to wipe that away from my mind.

The night here feels much different from the castle, and I hear crickets chirping in the distance instead of guards down below, in the castle’s courtyard. The fresh smell of leaves from the forest is calming. It feels peaceful being amidst nature, even if a wall blocks us from it.

For some time, I try to remain awake, hearing the sound of wind on the trees outside the walls. I fear falling asleep again, but then I tell myself that my dreams are actually pretty great, and maybe they’re not about Marlak at all. It’s just an effect of whatever happened today.

A word comes to my mind. Azalee. He called me that in the dream.

It’s odd that I should know how to write it, but the spelling comes clearly to my mind, as if… As if I’d seen it. But where? I know some ancient fae words, some old incantation words, and yet none of them comes to mind.

It could be a place. No, he wouldn’t call me a place.

A name, maybe? But why?

Or maybe it’s a foreign word, but I have to figure out if it’s old fae or if it’s…

Some languages should never be said out loud. Andrezza’s words echo in my head. Could it be? And then, it’s just a word from my own dream. But it might be a clue. At least I have one question whose answer is easy to find. It’s something, something for me to look into when I get back.

Rain pours and pours as our carriage strides slowly through the muddy road leading south. We stop at a small village for lunch, but that just makes things worse, as the pieces of fried chicken keep dancing in my belly.

We arrive at the castle at six o’clock, and it’s odd that I feel like I’m back home. I never imagined I had any love for my tower, but it’s true that it’s the only place I know.

Before I have time to rest or change my clothes, I’m summoned to Master Otavio’s study. This is normal, as we’re always supposed to give updates on our assignments and provide details. What’s not normal is that he’s alone.

He gestures for me to sit at his desk. Across from me, he leans over, a palm against the dark wood top.

“Happy? Was it worth it? Do you understand why we send substitutes?”

I swallow. “I understand the risks.”

“No, you don’t.” His eyes are so narrowed that they look like slits as he glares at me. “You don’t. Tell me something: does that prince know what you are?”
