Page 153 of A Cursed Son

He’s so close to me, peering into my eyes. “And what’s in that mind?”

“I’m still curious about you. I know you didn’t kill your family, I?—”

“Do you?” He raises an eyebrow.

“Not on purpose, at least. I know you want to kill your brother, though, and you might have made some kind of dangerous deal with him or someone else. But… where is that Amethyst Palace? And what’s in that tower? The tower I saw you looking for in our dream? The dream that drove you running to Krastel, afraid I’d spill your secret.”

His chest moves up and down slowly. “I don’t know about that palace, Astra, and I also wonder what or where it is. And the tower… it’s part of the things I can’t talk about. I’m sorry.”

“Where’s the Pit of Death?”

He shakes his head. “I can’t. Can’t, Astra. Please never mention this to anyone.”

“But you know where it is?”

“I…” He raises his hands and clenches his fists. “Have a theory. Please don’t ask about it. Please.”

I sigh. It’s possible he can’t say anything, but it’s also possible he’s hiding the truth. And there’s something I need to know. “Is it truly dangerous?”

“I wouldn’t take you there.”

“I’m worried about you.”

“Danger surrounds me everywhere, Astra. You’ll have to get used to it.”

“I won’t. You’ll have to avoid danger, Marlak.”

He snaps his fingers. “Oh, yes, it’s that easy.”

“Make an effort.”

“Trust me, I already do. Especially now, that there’s also you to worry about.”

“Apologies for inconveniencing you. Maybe you should have considered it before snatching me?—”

“From the monsters who would exchange you for a trinket.”

He has a point, even if I hate it. I shake my head. “I still can’t believe you gave them the Shadow Ring.”

“What would you do in my place?”

“Offer something else?”

“It would need to be something valuable. The Shadow Ring is legendary, meaning they would accept it, and it can only be worn by a fae, meaning that they can’t use it. It was perfect. I don’t know why you’re upset about it.”

“Not… upset.” In my dream, I was furious, but that’s not how I’m feeling. “Just… puzzled that you’d give away something so valuable, that’s all.”

“A strategic trade, Astra. You know, when I was a young teenager, having recently run away from home, the word going around was that I’d squander all the Crystal Court treasure. But I didn’t. I kept it. Kept it from falling into the wrong hands. But when the moment came, I was able to trade part of it. I don’t regret it. You’re here.”

My heart beats faster, sure that he considers me more valuable than the Shadow Ring itself, while my mind is searching for the trick, the lie, the catch. Well, indeed it wasn’t for me, but to protect his secret about the tower and the Pit of Death, whatever that is.

I force a smile. “And your secrets are safe.” Something else comes to mind. “I don’t know how you didn’t try to stop our dreams before, if you were afraid I would betray you.”

He pauses and takes a deep breath. “I tried to find ways to block my mind. I did. Nothing worked, though. This time, with the Nameless, was my last resource. I thought if both of us wanted it… Didn’t work either. I’m sorry. We can try to sleep at different times, maybe. That could help.”

“The dreams aren’t bad.” He raises an eyebrow, as if surprised, but that doesn’t stop me. “Not anymore. And dream Marlak is really nice.”

He chuckles. “Unlike me, I suppose.”