Page 146 of A Cursed Son

I’m still sitting beside Marlak, on the well wall, still in the middle of this strange forest, but something has changed. The leaves are bluish and the sky is darker, even though the sun is in the same position. As to the ground, there’s a black void around us.

I take Marlak’s hand, too scared to worry about his reaction or opinion. To my surprise, he squeezes my fingers in a comforting gesture.

Then everything is the same as before. Same colors, earth and plants beneath our feet, normal light, but there’s a woman in front of us.

She’s wearing a dark gray hood covering her hair, and looks human—or fae. I’m not sure about her ears. With light hazel, almost yellow eyes, and a painted flower on her forehead, she looks like some kind of priestess of an ancient creed, bearing long forgotten stories, even though she doesn’t look old. I’ll need to ask Marlak how he knows her.

The Nameless glances at our interconnected fingers, in what I feel is a judgemental stare, and I let go of his hand. She then smirks and says,“So you summoned me.”

Her voice doesn’t sound magical or formal, but rather conversational, even somewhat annoyed.

“I wouldn’t be so bold,” Marlak says in that low, comforting tone I know so well. “But I was hoping we could meet you. For some advice.”

Her stare is eerie and disconcerting. “Hmm, so there’s something afflicting you.”

“Yes,” he says. “We?—”

“No,” the woman interrupts him. “I want to hear it from her.” She has a smile that I feel is mocking me.

They both turn to me, and I sigh. “I wouldn’t call it an affliction, but we have the same dreams.”

Her face changes, and now she frowns, looking concerned. “Oh. Are those horrific dreams? Terrifying nightmares?”

I’m about to answer, but Marlak’s faster. “They are fine dreams, but unwanted. We’ve also shared visions, when I tried to get into her mind. Unwanted as well. And therein lies the problem.”

The woman narrows her eyes. “So you tried to see her mind, saw her thoughts?—”

“No,” Marlak says. “She didn’t create those thoughts.”

I feel heat rising to my cheeks.

“Hmmm.” The Nameless still has that concerned tone. “Where did they come from, then?”

Marlak shakes his head. “I do not know.”

The woman turns to me. “Do you have any idea?”

“If I had, would I be here?”

She stares at me. “Wouldn’t you?”

I want to slap her, which I’m pretty sure is ill-advised.

“Lady,” Marlak says. “We wish to stop these shared dreams, that’s all. If you can help us understand how they came to be, it might be helpful, but for now, we just wish to stop them.”

She still stares at me. “Do you want to stop them?”

Why is she putting me on the spot? “Well, they’re awkward,” I say.

“Awkward.” The woman paces back and forth. “And what’s in those dreams? Is that something unpleasant?” At least she asked both of us.

“That’s not the point,” Marlak says, his voice rising. “If my wife doesn’t want them, I don’t want them.”

She stares at him. “Shared dreams are proof of a powerful connection, young king. You cut that connection, you cut a part of you, you cut your power. It’s not advisable. Instead of making this journey here, to speak to me, you should rather look into your own hearts.”

“I know my heart!” he says. “And I don’t want her to have unwanted dreams.”

“But that’s like cutting a part of you. Would you cut a finger for her?”