Page 136 of A Cursed Son

“It’s simple,” the man beside me says, his voice grating my insides. “Come with us and they won’t be harmed.”

Me? Why me?

“They’ll kill us!” the blue girl screams.

I see a flash of fire in her hand and realize she’s going to fight, then I step away from the man and point my dagger at him, even though it looks ridiculous.

The blue fae’s fire is quenched but I don’t have time to see how exactly because the man near me advances with his sword. I dodge him. One of the girls screams and I think it’s better to stop this before they get hurt.

“Promise you won’t harm them!” I yell.

My heart’s hammering in my chest. I don’t understand why these strangers want me, but I don’t think we can fight our way out of this.

Indeed, Melina is fallen to the ground, and a man holds her down with his booted foot. Two men are holding the blue girl’s arms, even though she’s struggling.

“Why?” the man asks. “We can take you without any promise.”

They’re going to kill the girls. I know it, but I don’t know what to do or how to save them. If I could use some magic, the time would be now. An endless scream is lodged in my throat. A useless scream.

A fae man is about to stab the blue girl, but I don’t have time to stop it or look at it, as the assailant close to me advances with his sword. I dodge it, trying to think of the Almighty Mother, trying to hope for something that could change this.

I’m berating my lack of magic when a strong gust of wind hits me to the point I lose my balance.

The men are no longer close to the fae girls, and my attacker falls. I step back, then feel more wind, loud on my ears, pushing my hair back from my face.

The assailants are on the ground, gasping, with a thick layer of ice around their hands, then they faint. Air and ice magic. That has to be Marlak.

From beneath the trees, I hear his deep voice, somewhat breathless. “Don’t kill them.”

He runs to me, but stops when he’s close. I don’t know if he was going to hug me and changed his mind or what. Instead, he turns to the girls, or rather, girl. The blue fae has disappeared. He asks, “Princess Malena?”

Princess. Makes sense. The girl sighs. “Yes. I was just taking a walk when I was attacked by death bees.” She points at me. “She helped me.”

Marlak glances at the scorch marks on the ground, and I wonder if he can sense the fire magic. But then, he must be thinking it’s the princess’s magic.

The girl continues, “Then these fae came. Wanted to kidnap your wife.”

Marlak stares at me, shadows dancing in his eyes, then looks away and sighs. Malena puts a finger over her lips. I guess despite everything, she still doesn’t want me to tell anyone about her friend.

He turns to me then. “What were you doing here?”

His voice is soft, calm, but I can sense the storm underneath it. I’m pretty sure I’m about to see the tornado when I tell him that his beloved has been kidnapped.

“Crisine.” My voice cracks so much, I’m not sure how I manage to sound intelligible. “She asked me to talk to her, and brought me… around here.” I don’t want to say I was on a hill far away and mention Cherry Cake.

He frowns, and I continue, “But then two fae came. They took her, while she screamed.”

Marlak is still frowning. “But you’re not worried.” His tone is flat.

“I…” How do I say it? For some reason I don’t think that was real. “It felt… forced?”

“You thought she pretended it?” I hate his accusing tone, the anger in his words.

“Maybe not, I don’t know. I could be mistaken. They took her, and I was left alone.”

The princess stares at me with curiosity, while Marlak shakes his head.

Four horses then arrive, carrying Court of Bees guards. Two of them dismount and rush to the princess. “They saved me!” Malena yells, then tells them what happened, omitting her friend.