Page 124 of A Cursed Son

But then he snatches his hand away and turns to face the ice blocking our exit.

“We should go downstairs.” His voice is clipped.

I’m still trembling, but part of it is shame for believing in something that isn’t real. And there’s a question I need to ask while we’re alone. “Who was the fae woman you were talking to?”

He turns to me, an amused smirk on his face. “Why do you want to know?”

I wish I could shove his face down in some dirt and wipe that smirk. “What’s so funny?” I snap. “I need to know your allies and your enemies.”

“I wasn’t laughing.” He stares at me, but at least now he’s serious. “She’s an attendant in the Court of Bees. I was friendly to her so that Azur would think I was flirting. I wasn’t really flirting, though. I wouldn’t trick someone like that—or dishonor you.”

“You pretend well.”

He blinks. “I do, yes. You can pretend too, can’t you?”

“I suppose.”

The temperature here is getting colder, and I have to rub my hands on my arms.

He stares at the wall of ice again, then all of a sudden it shatters into pieces. Instinctively, I raise an arm to block my face, but there’s nothing coming in our direction. An air shield, I realize.

“Azur’s gone.” His voice is distant. “We can go back downstairs and continue to pretend we tolerate each other.”

Pretend. That’s what it is for him. “Won’t people tell Renel?”

“He’ll trust Azur more than he trusts hearsay. And the damage might already be done anyway. Let’s go,” he says, walking away ahead of me.

It’s a reminder that he can be rude even when there’s nobody around to see it.

I could just stay here and wallow in my silliness, but I guess I’m going to be a good wife and dutifully follow my husband. It’s what I’m here for, isn’t it? I don’t even know what I’m here for anymore and what I’m going to do if Otavio ever communicates with me. Will he ever find me?

I feel that there’s an abyss dividing my past and my current life, and no bridge joining them. For now, all I can do is follow Marlak, watching his dark curls in front of me, until suddenly he stops, turns, and offers his arm. I guess he remembered he’s supposed to pretend to be nice.

I avoid his eyes and look down at the ballroom. And then…

No, it can’t be. I remember Nelsin’s tricks, his stupid illusions. I don’t want to believe my eyes, and yet I’m dashing down the stairs.

Tarlia. Here.

I can’t believe it, and yet it’s her, smiling at me.

I’m so glad to see a friendly face, someone I trust. All I know is that I’m wrapping my arms around her before even saying hi.

When we part, she’s laughing. “Astra, you’re all right!”

The relief in her voice stirs a chunk of guilt that had been revolving in my stomach for days. “They didn’t let me say goodbye.”

“We know.”

Her use of the word we makes me look at who’s beside her, and that’s when I see her companion, so princely and handsome in a dark suit.


I’m about to hug him when I feel a gust of air between us, then a pair of arms pulling me back. Marlak, his body close behind mine.

“I’m Marlak, Astra’s husband.” He extends a ringed hand to Ziven.

“We’ve met before.” Ziven ignores Marlak’s gesture and crosses his arms.