Page 103 of A Cursed Son

“You think you can sustain that magic and stay dry all night?”

“Oh, no.” He smiles. “I know I’ll get wet. But it’s fine.”

“The tent is dry. Come in.” Why is he being so stubborn? Actually, I know why he prefers to stay in the rain. “I have no plans to attack you or attempt to seduce you, and I can promise I won’t grab you while you’re asleep.”

“Good for you. I can’t make that promise. Depending on what I dream, I’ll most definitely grab you.” He raises an eyebrow. “We don’t want that, do we?”

What I don’t want is to hear him explaining why grabbing me would be dreadful. I take the suitcase that’s lying on a corner. “We can put this between us. It’s big, bulky, and hard. You’re welcome to cuddle it if you have a nightmare.”

He sighs. “Are you sure? Aren’t you still upset?”

“Marlak, I’m furious.” I don’t see the need to lie. “I thought some time alone would wash away the anger, but it didn’t.” My tone then changes. “I still don’t want to see you sleeping in the rain.” I feel I spoke too softly, so I shrug, and aim for a flippant tone. “And this tent is still standing thanks to you, so it’s only fair.”

He looks at me, at the suitcase, then at his bag. “I thought we’d be sleeping in the Misty Palace, Astra.”

“I’m sure she has some room in her bed for you.”

He rolls his eyes and huffs, picks up his bag and brings it inside, then takes off his shoes and lies beside the suitcase.

Now that we’re both here, I realize that the tent is tiny, and with the suitcase, we’ll both be squeezed against the edges, but at least we’ll remain dry. With a barrier between us, there’s no risk of dreams and reality getting mixed.

The air in the tent gets warmer, while the rain keeps its steady, lulling rhythm.

A new fear is settling in my heart, though.

Despite everything, despite my anger, part of me wishes that suitcase was gone. Part of me wishes I could hug him. I can tell myself they are silly wishes, but the fact that they exist is alarming. Marlak might already know what I am, and I don’t know what he wants to do with that information.

Imagine how much more power he’ll have over me if I fall for him.

The rain keeps falling outside.

Inside, I can no longer deny I’m falling.

“You need to tell him.” The Nymph Queen’s voice is in my ears, and I’m awake in the River Hideout.

No. I’m in the Amethyst Palace, walking amidst broken furniture and glass shards, trying to find him. I want to yell, but my voice doesn’t come.

And then I’m safe in his arms, his ringed hands caressing my hair as I lie on his chest with that beautiful star.

All I feel is peace.

I hear birds chirping, water flowing close by, leaves rustling in the wind, and his low, steady breath telling me he’s asleep. I open my eyes—and realize I’m leaning on Marlak’s chest.

Startled, I jolt upward, my sudden movement waking him up as well.

“What’s—” He sits up fast and bumps his elbow on my head. “Sorry.”

“Where’s the suitcase?” I ask, panic rising to my chest.

He looks around, then covers his face with his hands. “I can’t believe it.”

Right. If he can summon an object, he can make it vanish as well. How come I didn’t predict it would happen? I’m just glad this was one of the milder dreams.

I shrug and smile. “It’s fine. See? Nothing happened. Now, I know you can summon that suitcase, so there’s no need to do it in the woods.”

He stares at me. “There are other things you know I do, and I still don’t do them in front of you, Astra.”

“I had no idea that summoning an object was so intimate.”