Storm paused, touched, and pulled away, then went in for another of her messy, wet kisses.
“You’re a kook.” He rassled her around to pretend bite her stomach.
“Keys are in my jacket,” Emma murmured, taking her time as she moved to the hall closet, smiling as she listened to Logan talk nonsense to his sister while Storm chortled and squealed.
“Welcome home,” she said as she came back. “Everything go okay?”
“Fine.” He took the keys, smile disappearing. “Are you really marrying Reid?”
“Oh. That was fast.”
“That’s what I said.”
It was more his speed to say, That’s what she said. Huh.
“You disapprove?” She bit her lip, trying not to be hurt. She had tried to brace herself for anything from anger to suspicion to a change of heart where her proximity to Storm was concerned. “Is that why you came in so angry?”
“I don’t not disapprove,” he grumbled. “But do you want to marry him?”
“What do you mean? It’s for Storm.”
“Which isn’t a reason to marry.” His expression darkened. “My mother stayed with a man who cheated on her and broke her heart. She did it for my sake. For all of us. She sacrificed twenty years of her life for three assholes who didn’t appreciate what it was costing her. Don’t do that to yourself. Or Storm. Don’t put the responsibility for your unhappiness onto her.”
“Wow.” Emma let her weight shift back a step. “I would hope that Reid and I wouldn’t inflict unhappiness on each other, let along blame Storm for it. Do you think Reid will cheat?” she asked in a small voice. “Because I never would.”
“No.” Some of the bluster went out of him. “Probably not. That guy controls everything, including his dick. But it might feel like he’s cheating where his mother is concerned. She’s a handful. There will be hard days when you’re not his priority.”
“We’ve talked about that.” Some. Maybe there was a bit of dreamer left in her because she wanted to believe it wouldn’t be that hard. And that having Storm’s love would compensate for not having Reid’s.
Maybe she was putting a little too much on the baby.
“I don’t have Reid’s savior complex.” Logan’s expression tightened as he looked at Storm. “I’m the opposite. Every time I’ve thought about taking custody, I’ve felt the weight of her happiness and felt so damned inadequate to the task I couldn’t risk it. I didn’t know you were part of the deal, though. Someone should have told me.”
She tucked her chin. “I think I’ve mentioned how you remind me of my ex.” It wasn’t true. Kevin never would have stormed in here worrying about her.
“See, you’re mean, which I like. We could have had something.” He nibbled on Storm’s fingers where she clutched his hand.
“Sophie’s still available.” It was a stupid comeback, more a diss against her absent friend’s astringent personality than an intentional dig at the failed relationship between her and Logan.
Logan’s demeanor turned brooding again.
“Someone else whose life I destroyed,” he muttered.
“I don’t think Sophie thinks that.”
“I know Sophie thinks that.”
“Logan, I’ve been unhappy.” She squeezed his arm. “Really, really unhappy. I know whose fault it was that it went on as long as it did. Mine. I will never let Storm think she’s the reason I’m putting up with a bad marriage because I won’t put up with one. In fact, I’m going to make sure I set an example of someone who takes control of her own destiny by making smart choices.”
“You think marrying Reid is smart?”
“It’s a risk,” she admitted, moving to tidy up Storm’s highchair. “One that offers enough benefits that I believe it’s a risk worth taking. He showed you the letter from Tiffany’s sister?”
“Yeah.” His tone changed.
“I don’t want to lose Storm. That’s the bottom line.” She straightened to stare across at him.
“Me, either,” he admitted, using his thumb to wipe drool from Storm’s chin and drying it on his jeans. “Who knew I’d like you?” he asked Storm. “More than those other two jokers I’m related to anyway. I’m pretty sure it’s because you can’t talk yet.”