“What if I had?” he asked.

“Then I guess you would be the most educated man I’ve ever met, as you have some heavy titles on those shelves, many of which appear to be originals and written in old Latin. Do you read old Latin?” I ran my hand across the polished shelf, admiring the eclectic display.

Derek laughed. “No, I don’t; my ancestors brought those books with them. My great-great grandfather was a rancher through and through, but my grandmother was a stickler for making sure her children and grandchildren were well educated, as well. Of course, every generation of Hawkinses has added to the collection.”

I spotted a stack of Little House on the Prairie books on the bottom shelf. “Would those be your contributions?”

Derek looked to where I pointed and broke out into laughter.

“It’s going to be good having another person around here with a sense of humor, and trust me, you’re going to need it.” He clapped me on the back, finally leading me out to the back deck, where Sadie was setting out plates.

“I thought we’d catch the last rays of the sunset during dinner. It’s a beautiful night to stargaze.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” I smiled.

Over dinner, we talked about everything from architecture to books and travel. Sadie had not traveled much and asked me many questions about the places I’d been.

“What place was the most wondrous, Master Gray?”

I sat back appearing to contemplate her question, but I didn’t need to; the answer was obvious. “Here.”

Derek’s eyes shone, his head gently nodding in agreement while Sadie wore a look of surprise.

“Really?” she responded.

“Really, Sadie. This place is wondrous for so many reasons. Those of you who call this place home are lucky to live apart from the confusion that exists in the world.”

Sadie scrunched her nose. “You’re right. I forget because I’m always here. I appreciate you can see the community that Derek continues to build and grow.”

“Why don’t you tell Sadie about the woman who got under your skin, and was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back?” Derek chimed in.

It felt a little awkward for Derek to ask me to share my story, but I trusted both of them, and since it wasn’t anything we hadn’t already discussed, I shared my tale about Harmony Carrington. Watching Sadie’s expressive face as I told her the entire story was entertainment at its best. I could see that Derek also enjoyed watching her while I spoke. When I finished Sadie sat back in her chair as if exhausted.

“Wow, Master Gray. I think she’s a bigger brat than me.”

“I was thinking she might be a Little.”

“She’s something. Based on your descriptions of her excitement over stuff, I’d guess she’s a Middle. That doesn’t mean she does age-play, mind you. I know a lot of Middles prefer the solitude of music and acting out a rebellious side that was decimated by their parents, or someone else in authority, in real-time. When I feel like that, I need structure, but I also need freedom, and maybe some time to just be alone in a safe place.” She shrugged and smiled proudly at Derek and me. “But that’s just a guess. She sounds interesting.”

It was dark; sunset and dinner had been over for a while. “I should go and prepare for my first class tomorrow.” I stood and so did they. “Thank you both for the warm welcome and the delicious meal.”

As Derek walked me to the door, Sadie called out with a giggle, “Good luck tomorrow, Master Gray, you may need it.”

I looked at Derek. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Ignore her. She’s just being a brat. But I second the good wishes. Good luck tomorrow. I’ll be available if you need me for anything.”

We shook hands and as I walked home in the darkness, I considered everything said throughout the evening. Sadie’s parting words played in a loop. It was no secret that the resident Little trickster liked a good prank. She had to be up to something, but what? For the life of me, I couldn’t figure it out.

The fresh air and long day had done me in, and by the time I made it back to my apartment, I was too tired to do anything but change into something comfortable. I set my phone alarm and lay in bed, and within seconds I was out.

I woke up early, allowing myself plenty of time to prepare and arrive for my first day of class without any stress. When I stepped through the doors of my classroom at Rawhide University, a new sense of purpose filled me. The empty desks would soon be occupied by what I hoped would be enthusiastic, respectful students. Students who wanted to be there, wanted to learn, and knew the swift consequences of breaking the rules.

Yes! I am here and it’s great to be alive!

The paperwork process Derek and I went through in his office showed me the difference between a surface school, like the one my parents ran, and the real-time structure that benefitted the students of Rawhide University. Here was as real as it got. If you broke the rules, there would be consequences. My mind briefly strayed to Harmony.

How would a brat like her make out in a place like this?