This was new. I didn’t usually think of anyone but myself, but now I not only was worrying about what he thought, but I needed him to be pleased with me.
I found the cafeteria and saw him sitting at a table. He stood when I came in and approached me.
“And you aren’t even late,” he said with a small smile.
“No, Sir.”
He nodded his chin. “Let’s get some food and sit down.”
We went to the counter, and he ordered a grilled cheese sandwich for me with French fries without even asking what I wanted, but I kind of liked it. When we had our food, he carried the tray back to our table and we sat across from each other.
“Before we eat, there’s something I need to say.” He paused, his hands folding together while my body surged with a small wave of heat, remembering what those hands could do to me.
“I have to apologize for what happened in New York, Harmony,” he said, while I felt my jaw drop in shock. “I had no right to spank you without your consent, and it was far too vague. I know better. It’s unforgivable, really, and was completely irresponsible of me. And although what you reported wasn’t the truth, the truth was still bad enough. Will you accept my apology?”
“I–I…” I stuttered. This was not the conversation I’d expected at all. “Yes, of course. And I’m really, really sorry I told those lies about you. I really am.”
I felt my eyes start to tear up again, and he must have noticed, because he reached over and laid his big, strong hand on my arm.
“It’s okay. To be honest, that whole situation took me away from a life I didn’t enjoy and into this one, so maybe things were meant to happen the way they did. I’d like us to make a fresh start. I think we already have,” he said, his eyebrows arching in question as he looked at me.
I smiled. “I think so.”
“Good. Now, how are you feeling?”
I had to think about that, so I sipped my drink for a minute.
“Well, my butt’s pretty sore, but in a good way, if that makes sense?”
“It does. What else?”
“I feel happy. I feel… cared for.”
He smiled, and everything inside me tingled. “That’s very good. That’s exactly how you should be feeling after a corrective spanking. If you ever feel badly afterward, I’ll need you to let me know right away.”
He planned to give me more spankings? This was the best day ever!
We chatted a little more about the Ranch and school as we ate, then it was time for the next class, and we walked back to his classroom together. I took my seat, opened my textbook, and didn’t even think about needing to get anyone’s attention for maybe the first time ever.
Chapter 6
After my second class with Gray later that day, I headed to my room to be alone. As I exited the shower, there was a knock on my door. Hoping it was Gray coming to confess his undying love for me and vanquish the ache between my legs, an ache only he had the remedy for, I raced to the door, still dripping and wrapped in a towel.
“Just a moment,” I called out as I lost my footing and slid across the floor. Landing hard on my still-sore ass, I barely contained a yelp of pain. Scrambling to my feet, I flung open the door, and instantly my excitement melted away when I saw it wasn’t Gray.
“Oh, hi.” It was the girls from my class whose names I didn’t know but had offered me encouragement as they’d passed me and Gray in the classroom earlier.
“Can we come in?”
“Sure.” I stood back and let them in. “Let me just throw on some clothes.” I never put clothing away at home as we had maids for that sort of thing. Since arriving, I hadn’t really unpacked. I guess a part of me was waiting for someone to come and take care of it for me. That was going to take some getting used to. I grabbed the first thing I saw on the messy pile laying on my bed and scurried to my bathroom.
“Always be ready, my dear, or look as though you are.” My mother’s condescending voice infiltrated my brain as I swiped on makeup faster than ever before. My hair may be a wet curly heap tossed over one shoulder, but at least my makeup was on, or in my mother’s words, my public face was ready.
I pulled the skin-tight evening dress over my head, wishing I’d grabbed something else to wear. I exited the bathroom fifteen minutes later as ready as I could be.
The four of us filled my tiny room, and I suddenly felt self-conscious, which was an entirely new and uncomfortable feeling. They all stared me up and down.