Kissing the crown of her head, I moved her back with my hands on her shoulders. “Your five minutes start right now. I’m setting a timer.” Turning her around, I swatted her butt and sent her on her way.
“But five minutes isn’t enough. I need a shower.”
“You will want a shower later. You’re wasting time. If you’re late, I will increase the size of the butt plug I plan to make you wear.”
She squeaked and ran to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. I smiled to myself and shook my head. Little brat. I watched the time tick, giving her warnings that her time was diminishing, and with only ten seconds left, she ran out of the bathroom.
“Done!” she announced triumphantly.
“Not quite. Naked and over the bed.”
She nibbled her lip and reached for the hem of her shirt. Watching her undress had my cock hard as a rock. If I didn’t have such a carefully laid-out plan, I would have shoved her to her knees and had her suck me off, but that was for later. Once out of the shirt I’d given her to sleep in, she shifted from foot to foot.
“You aren’t naked and you’re out of time. I suggest you not push me.”
Her face flamed red as she reached behind herself and undid her bra, letting it drop off her arms as she pulled down her panties and stepped out of them. I liked it when she moved slowly, teasing me slightly before revealing each piece of her perfect body, but the frenzied movements were just as hot. She was a naughty little girl hurrying toward her Daddy’s punishment. The level of power she was handing over to me was intoxicating.
Once over the bed, I put my foot between hers and nudged them outward. “Part your legs.”
Grabbing the tube of lube from my dresser and uncapping the lid, I dribbled it down the crack of her ass.
“That’s cold.” Harmony wiggled, trying to escape the cold gel.
I brought my hand down on her backside with a loud crack!
“Stay still. I’m going to put a plug in your bottom and need to make sure you are nice and slick.”
Crack! I lay another hard smack on her pert little behind.
“No, buts, Harmony. This is not one of your hard limits, so unless you have a safeword you’d like to use, I suggest you obey.”
“Yes, Sir,” she replied with a sulky tone.
I completed lubricating her entrance and massaging the tight ring of muscle, then I inserted my finger to make sure she was completely ready to take the plug. She didn’t fight me or put up resistance, even though this was her first time. The only evidence of this being uncomfortable for her was the cute little grunting sounds she made as I slowly forced the plug past the tight ring.
Once it was completely seated inside, I sat down next to her and anchored her to my side before laying down a barrage of spanks on her vulnerable bottom, turning it bright pink with my palm before reaching for the small Lexan paddle.
I pressed the cool plastic against each of her cheeks. Harmony whimpered but her squirming ceased.
“This is a Lexan paddle. It’s hard and unyielding and leaves an intense sting in its wake without much effort from me. I will be spanking you multiple times today, and using this paddle will help to avoid any bad bruising, but you’re going to hate it.”
Without giving her a chance to respond, I started spanking again. This time her jerky movements and whimpers of protest were replaced with a full effort to escape and loud cries. I had her pinned and I wasn’t letting her up until I got what I wanted. It only took about two dozen swats to get her there, but the tell-tale hitch in her voice gave me all of the information I needed. Increasing the intensity, I pushed her over the edge, and she started to cry.
Standing up, I took a few steps back to admire her reddened, plugged behind, and couldn’t help but notice her glistening pussy. Whatever else she may be, my girl was a bit of a pain slut. She enjoyed the rough treatment, and there was no hiding that fact from her Daddy.
“You will keep that plug inside your cute little bottom until I decide to remove it. Is that clear?”
“Yes, Sir,” she sniffled into the blanket.
“Stand up, please.”
Harmony straightened and turned to face me. Her face was streaked with tears, but her expression was comical as her mouth dropped open, forming a perfect O.
“It feels funny. Are you sure it won’t fall out?” She reached behind her to feel the end of the plug protruding from her rear end.
“If it feels like it’s coming loose, I suggest you use your muscles and keep it squeezed in tight. If it falls out, then I will replace it with a bigger one. Now it’s time to eat breakfast before you start cleaning up the mess you made.”