A smile stretched across my cousin’s face. “Well, would you look at that, Little Harmony is all grown up.”

I felt my heart blossom, opening fully and completely for the first time to the two people I cared about the most in this world.

Suddenly more exhausted than I’d ever felt in my entire life, I snuggled in tight to Gray’s chest and closed my eyes. Daddy would take care of me from here. I just needed to let him.

“I’ll go and call off the search, Gray, as you seem to have things under control.”

“That I do,” Daddy all but growled.

Jacob smiled and moved off into the darkness, leaving us alone.

“Let’s get you home and safe. We’ll wait until tomorrow to discuss what happened today and start your punishment,” he said with a sternness that shot straight to my clit.

“Yes, Daddy,” I answered.

The only room I hadn’t damaged was the bedroom. In retrospect, I wondered if subconsciously I didn’t want to mess up our sacred space. Whatever the reason, I was grateful to be back and safely tucked into bed surrounded by Gray’s powerful arms.

Chapter 13


The relief I felt at finding her alive and well was overwhelming, and even when she told me she was perfectly capable of walking, I wouldn’t let her down, instead choosing to keep her snuggled against my chest. On our walk back to my apartment, she shared the revelation she had on the mountain.

I had to admit, her epiphany wasn’t surprising after what Jacob had shared with me. I knew her family was hard on her, but not that hard. My poor girl.

I applauded her for seeing the mechanism which drove her to behave so badly. But we had a long road ahead, and I wasn’t sure she knew just how difficult it was going to be.

I lay awake for a long time after the soft sounds of slumber came from Harmony. After a day in the great outdoors, I expected her to sleep soundly. I made a mental list of what I thought needed to happen to get her on track with what she called, her new self. I was concerned that she now viewed who she had been up until her rescue as bad or wrong, when in reality, her old self was neither. And if that person had nowhere to show up moving forward, she would never feel wholly accepted for who she was.

She needed to know that all of her was safe with me, no matter what. But she also needed to know she could trust herself. During yesterday’s lunch break, I’d spoken with Samual Denten, one of two resident therapists at Rawhide Ranch. I had filled him in on all of my personal observations and thoughts regarding Harmony and shared with him what happened in New York. He had a lot of insight as to how I could help her, but we were also scheduled to see him bright and early on Tuesday.

I hoped Sam or Derek would offer some guidance in navigating my responsibilities as a teacher and a Daddy to Harmony, and that she would find she had a safe place to explore her thoughts and feelings if she wasn't ready to share them with me. Until then, I had the weekend to give her what I thought she needed most. A punishment given with love, one that showed her I was not going to let her push me away with her tantrums, one that should cement in her mind that I am her Daddy, and I am not going anywhere. Come Monday, she would be a very sore, penitent little girl who knew she was loved.

I got up early, leaving Harmony to sleep for a little longer while I prepared for her first day of punishment. It was not going to be an easy day for either of us, and I needed to steel myself to that fact. I wanted to be ready for the resistance she was undoubtedly going to throw at me. Having a clear plan and not wavering from that plan was the key to a successful punishment.

I whipped up some eggs and toast for breakfast and took it to the bedroom where she was still asleep. She did not get to have a leisurely breakfast in bed, though. Not in the slightest. Unfortunately, it was the only place clean enough for us to eat at all.

I set the plate of food on the nightstand, then retrieved a few things before rousing my naughty little sleeping beauty.

She rubbed her eyes sleepily, confusion written all over her beautiful face.

“What time is it?”

“Time to start the day, young lady.” I put my hands on my hips and regarded her. “You have a big day ahead of you. It’s time to get up and get started.”

She stretched and groaned. “My muscles hurt.”

“That’s called a natural consequence, and they’re going to hurt a lot more before the day is up. So is your bottom. You have five minutes to use the bathroom and whatever else you need to do, then I want you naked and bent over the side of the bed waiting for part one. Don’t dawdle; your breakfast is getting cold.” I nodded toward the plate, but her wide eyes stayed glued to mine.

“I’m really sorry for yesterday, I promise it won’t happen again.”

“I’m sure you are, and I plan to make sure you really understand what sorry feels like.”

“Do you hate me?” Tears filled her eyes.

Putting my hand out to her, I helped her out of bed and pulled her into my arms. “No, little one. I don’t hate you. Far from it, actually. But I do think you need to really learn that you need to communicate in a healthier way. These tantrums are completely unacceptable, and they end now.”

“Yes, Daddy.” She clung tight and I gave her a second before I got her moving.