It was a bold question, but fair. “No, I don’t think so. She was happy this morning when we parted after her class with me. I haven’t seen her since. But I suspect she came by my classroom when I was delivering a spanking to another student and got upset. At least, based on the damage to my apartment, that’s my best guess.”
Jacob bobbed his head as if considering my words.
“Her life has been a fantasyland in her head; that’s how she survives. Everyone has turned their backs on her but me. So, I warn you, if you’re not in this for the long haul, then end it now. She needs stability and consistency.”
Derek and a few others rounded the corner before I could tell him to piss off. How dare he question my credibility or intentions?
Derek was right there to offer the rebuttal. “Gray is honorable and just as desperate to find Harmony as we are. You do not need to worry about Harmony being in his care, Jacob.”
Jacob nodded and Derek divided us into teams when a handful of others arrived. “We heard there was a search party and we wanted to help.”
Derek smiled proudly. “We can use all the help we can get, thank you.”
We quickly spread out toward the mountain range, which had been the only area I hadn’t searched on my own. Harmony was such a diva, I hadn’t even thought she would head up the mountain, but where else could she have gone? I was partnered with Jacob, who was reluctant to follow my lead, but when I pointed to the path through the pine trees that led to the base of the first mountain, he followed without any further arguments.
Chapter 12
I gripped my rock tightly in my hand as tears poured down my face. I picked my way down the mountain with trembling limbs. The stars in the valley had spread out now, but two seemed to be moving toward me, while others moved further away.
“Please don’t leave me behind,” I cried into the darkness. All I wanted was Daddy to find me and take care of me. I didn’t even care what punishment he would deliver as long as I was back and safe in his strong arms.
Being alone in the dark with only my rock to keep my anxiety at bay was a result of my own stupid overreaction. “It’s all your fault,” I said for the dozenth time since I woke up from my nap. “You’re impetuous and need to control yourself!”
But it wasn’t my voice I heard; it was my mother’s. She was right. How could I ever think I was going to change? No one would ever be able to deal with my baggage. I was destined to be alone in this world.
I pulled up short, the epiphany enough to scare away my fear. She was haunting me even here and driving me to make reckless choices that would end up pushing anyone away before they could push me away and prove her right. Holy crapsnacks, this was huge! I needed to find Daddy and explain that I didn’t want to believe my mother anymore. I wanted to learn and be better. I wanted to be good enough to deserve his love. He’d understand and know how to fix me. He was a lawyer, after all—he understood the human condition better than most, and I had complete faith he’d find a way, as long as he forgave me first.
“Daddy!” I cried out into the inky darkness. “Daddy, I’m so sorry!”
“I’m here, sweetheart, just keep walking toward the sound of my voice.”
I quickened my pace until his strong arms wrapped around me. “I’m so sorry, Daddy,” I sobbed.
“Shh. Don’t fret, little one, I’ve got you.”
I snuggled into his warmth, inhaling his unique scent. It was comforting. It was home.
“I love you, Daddy, and I’m so sorry.” It was a big step saying exactly how I felt but he needed to know, even if he didn’t forgive me, that I loved him.
“I love you too, babygirl. We’ll talk about the rest later. Right now, my only concern is getting you home.”
He scooped me up into his strong arms and carried me down the rest of the way. As we reached the base, my cousin Jacob came out of the dark.
“You found her! Is she okay? Maybe you should give her to me until we find out what really happened.”
What really happened? What was he talking about??
Daddy snarled at Jacob like a wolf.
I pulled my head back so I could look at my cousin when I spoke.
“Jacob, thank you for helping to find me and for always being there for me. I suspect you’ve known all along that I needed a Daddy. I have one now, and he is the very best. This is entirely my fault. Gray did nothing to deserve my actions, and I shouldn’t have run off like I did.”