“I already know I will miss you. If you miss me, you can call me. If you need me, you can call me. I won’t be far away.”

I nodded. “Okay, Daddy.”

“Good girl. Now let’s get some food in your tummy, then I’ll take you to your room and tuck you in tight for the night.”

Gray fed me dinner, then escorted me back to my dorm dressed in his T-shirt and shorts, tucked me into bed and kissed me goodnight.

I was on cloud nine as I floated through every single one of my classes the next day. Gray consumed my every waking thought, and it didn’t help that my body was sore from his punishment and lovemaking. I could barely function as I went through the motions of my day, hoping no one expected me to hear a word they were saying.

At the end of the day, I couldn’t take it anymore, so I got the bright idea to surprise Daddy. He would just be finishing his last class for the day. I imagined how happy he would be to see me and my heart beat fast in my chest.

As I neared his classroom, I heard his chastising tone lecturing someone. I peeked around the partially closed office door to find a busty blonde standing in front of him. Amber, I think was her name, and I didn’t like her because she had been eyeing him up since our first class.

He wore his stern Daddy look, accompanied by his serious, growly voice. I felt a flare of jealousy at the two of them together. She was pretty. A lot prettier than me, and she had his full attention. I didn’t like that one bit. Then he bent her over his desk, lifted her skirt, and pulled down her panties.

Another flare of jealousy moved through me at her perfect heart-shaped bottom. I bet she got into trouble on purpose just so he would touch her. I was spitting mad and needed an outlet.

I ran down the hallway, glad I wasn’t caught by one of the hall monitors and made my way down the staircase and outside. I should have known Gray was too good to be true. It was all a lie! I wasn’t his special girl, just one in a bunch. Ugh, that man! Well, I’d show him!

He’d given me a key for his apartment, and I went there first. Unlocking the door, I gazed around the perfectly clean and organized space. Daddy liked order, so it was my mission to create as much disorder as I could. I pulled things off shelves and out of closets. I pulled cushions and pillows off the furniture, anything that wasn’t too heavy or bolted down, I displaced. The last order of business was to leave him a message. I wanted him to know exactly who did this. I retrieved his can of shaving cream from the bathroom and wrote “Harmony” on the glass coffee table.

That would show him!

I left the apartment building and made off for the mountains, kicking down trail signs as I went and dragging them into the bushes or behind trees. I was completely out of control, and I didn’t care. Being good was so hard, and why did it matter if the man I was supposed to rely on was playing Daddy to others too? A part of my brain tried to rationalize that he was doing his job, but the other part didn’t care one bit. I was under the control of the green-eyed monster, and it led me barreling down the path of destruction.

I had so much excess energy and rage and there was nothing left to take it out on. The first hill I came to seemed pretty small when compared with the larger mountains behind it. It turned out to be larger than I realized. My energy waned pretty fast when I was halfway up, but I was determined to make it all the way. Exhausted when I arrived at the top, I lay down in the late afternoon sun and my adrenaline crashed, causing me to fall asleep.

I was chilled when I opened my eyes. I bolted up to a sitting position.

What the?

Then I remembered where I was, and why. With all the anger gone and replaced with a numbing fear of the dark, I cried, not just because I was afraid, but because I had overreacted, and I couldn’t take it back. I would get kicked out of school and the place I was beginning to call home. With nowhere to go, I would be homeless and all alone. Gray would hate me, and my cousin already told me if I got kicked out, he wouldn’t be able to do much else to help me. I’d be on my own. My parents hadn’t called me once and would never consider taking me back after this fiasco. I was alone, so very alone.

Off in the distance, I saw the lights of the Ranch twinkling like a beacon of hope in the inky night. Why, oh why did I leave? I knew better than to think Gray was doing anything but his job. I replayed the scene of him and Amber. He’d done nothing inappropriate, and neither did she. Oh god, I was a total idiot! Maybe if I could find my way back, I could clean up my mess and beg for forgiveness. Maybe then he would forgive me?

I took a fortifying breath, readying myself to confront my fear of the dark. Stars twinkled in the forest below. Fascinated, I watched as they staggered between the trees. More appeared on the other side of the property until it looked like the stars on the ground matched the starry sky above.

I stood and left the shadows of the night for the starry earth below me.

Chapter 11


The last thing I felt like doing was staying after class to chastise an errant student with a spanking when I could have Harmony in my arms at the end of my long day. But I was being paid to do a job, and I needed to make sure I fulfilled my duties to the fullest of my abilities. I knew there were other disciplinarians I could send students to if need be, but I much preferred handling things my own way.

I went through the motions of Amber’s punishment, but my heart certainly wasn’t in it. All I could think about was Harmony. After the short correction and sending the little motor mouth on her way, I gathered my things to close up for the day and caught the scent of orange blossoms in the air. Harmony was the only person I knew at Rawhide who wore the distinctive perfume. The hallway was empty, but the scent lingered, and I was starting to think my mind was playing tricks on me. Locking the door, I headed out of the university and to my apartment. I’d told Harmony I would collect her from her dorm after we’d both had a chance to clean ourselves up from the day. I couldn’t wait to get her naked and in my bed. My apartment door was unlocked and slightly ajar. Was she already there? I chuckled to myself because it would figure that my naughty little brat decided to do what she wanted instead of waiting for her Daddy. That was quite all right. A little punishment could be fun foreplay.

I pushed open the door with her name on my lips. There wasn’t a single thing that wasn’t out of place. My entire apartment was a disaster. I was at a loss as to who would do something like this and why, but then I saw the writing on the table. Harmony had done this, but why? I thought back to this morning when I’d kissed her soundly before she entered my classroom. She’d giggled and took her seat, and for the rest of class was a model student. I made sure to praise her and give her one more kiss before she left, and we both went on with our day.

Could she have been in the hallway when I punished Amber? Was that why I’d caught the scent of her perfume? Despite it being part of my job description, she must have gotten upset. No, not upset. That was a gross understatement. This was a full-on fit of fury that had completely upended my apartment.

I was torn between worry and anger. Worry that for her to get this far, she may do something even worse, and angry that she would have done this much damage without speaking to me first. I’d thought she and I had turned a corner. I guess I’d been wrong.

When I got my hands on her, she would be cleaning up my apartment wearing nothing but my handprints on her naughty bottom. But first I had to find her and make sure she was okay.

I picked up my phone to call her as I locked my door and headed to the dorms. After being sent straight to voicemail three times, I gave up and slid my phone in my pocket. Her dorm room was my first stop. I knocked and one twin, Savannah I believe, answered the door.

“Hello, Mr. Remington. Are you looking for Harmony?”