He didn’t yell or demean me; he was simply telling me like it was. My belly fluttered. How could he show so much tenderness when I had been so horrible to him?
“You, little girl, have been given false information that I intend to get rid of, so listen closely. You are not bad. Nothing could be further from the truth. You need to learn some healthier coping mechanisms and to communicate your needs, but those are things we will work on together. You can chew on that while you’re standing with your nose in the corner.”
He led me to the corner by the hand. I didn’t want to go, but my feet followed him without my permission. He pressed my nose to the wall and tugged on my hips, forcing me to take a step back and push my ass out until I was displayed the way he wished. Lastly, he drew my hands behind my back and crossed them at the wrists.
“The timer has been set. I want you to think hard about your actions and how they affect other people. I want you to think of ways you could have handled the situation at the pool today that would not have ended with you getting your bottom so thoroughly punished. When I call you back, you will lay over the couch for part two of your punishment.”
I was in turmoil. One part of me was reeling from what he’d said while another was stimulated to the point of me wanting to rub myself to orgasm. I may not have had sex with a man, but I was a tactile, visceral woman who had an array of toys to pleasure herself with. I had to indulge my fantasies somehow, and how I wished I was holding my cute little lipstick vibrator between my legs at that very moment.
The spanking hurt and my ass was throbbing, but the heat had traveled and tortured me with a need for release. Was he going to touch me after? I could feel the anxiety rising as the panic set in. I needed him to make the ache go away, but I was scared to death. What would it be like to be touched by him? Would he do more than just touch? What if he wanted to have sex? Was I even ready to have sex? What was I supposed to do? The need to act out had never been so strong. If I threw a fit, maybe he would just send me on my way, and then I wouldn’t have to worry about any of this. But then I would be heartbroken and alone, and there was no way I’d be able to face him ever again. I needed to do something, but what?
The second my body tensed with the need to retreat, his voice stopped me in my tracks.
“Don’t even think about moving, little girl.”
I froze in place. What type of witchcraft was this? How did he know what I was going to do before I knew?
I felt his warm breath on my neck. My nostrils flared as I caught his masculine scent of bergamot and cedar. I let loose a needy whimper.
“I can smell your need, little girl. Is my naughty little kitten horny? Does she want Daddy to put out the fire? Maybe she will get some relief as a reward if she’s a very good girl for round two.” Gray ran a finger along the slit between my puffy lips. A deeper mewl escaped my lips as he gently pressed against my slick entrance.
Deeper I chanted in my mind.
I definitely wanted to have sex.
He pulled away then, and I swore the man could read minds. Or maybe it was a lawyer thing. They are taught to read body language, and he was sure good at reading mine.
“Corner time is finished. Over the arm of the couch, then you can tell me the better way to handle frustration and anger.”
I wanted to cry out my frustration. I wanted to kick and scream and beg him to take me to the edge of ecstasy and let me leap. But if I did any of that, there would be no rewards, and I really, really wanted a reward. I didn’t even remember what I was supposed to be thinking about in the stupid corner. I racked my brain as he tipped me over the arm of the loveseat. With my ass at the top, my toes didn’t touch the floor. The hanging sensation made me more helpless than when he had me over his thighs and tucked tight into his body.
He stepped back and I heard the woosh of something splitting the air before feeling the line of fire on my flesh.
I pushed my hands into the cushions so I could look back and see what he had used. Gray stood with a wicked-looking cane in his grasp. My stomach twisted just looking at it.
“Tell Daddy how you could have responded today without throwing lemonade in my face.”
“I-umm…” Shit! What could I have done? “I could have walked away.”
“You could have, yes. It’s okay to walk away when you’re angry, but that wouldn’t solve the whole problem, now would it?”
I wiggled in my uncomfortable position. “I could have talked to you about it.”
“Yes, you could have. We could have found some privacy and had a conversation about why you were so upset, and I could have shared with you as well. Now instead, you are getting punished by your Daddy like a naughty little girl.”
He paused for a second to let his words sink in and I clung to the most important part: he was mine and he was claiming me as his. That alone was worth any punishment I could endure at his hand.
“You will receive twelve strokes of the cane and count each stroke. Let’s begin.”
Begin? Didn’t he already do one?
Before I could ask, the cane came down. The pain was excruciating, but with the pain came a deep sense of relief. I needed this so I could feel forgiven and so Gray and I could move forward together. The whole thing was somehow cathartic.
Whoosh, smack!
“I’m waiting for you to count. What number are we on?”
Three I wanted to cry out, but I didn’t want to mess up. “One.”