Her voice shook with uncertainty. I was already breaking through.
“When I give my word, I keep it, so yes, I promise.”
Another tear escaped, trickling down her cheek. “I’m scared,” she confessed.
“I know you are, sweetheart, but everything will work out. I just need you to trust me.”
Harmony cuddled into my side, nesting her cheek into the groove of my neck. Instantly a surge of rightness filled me, and I knew I was never going to be able to let her go.
I wanted to stay like this forever, blocking out the world and immersing myself in all things Harmony… her luscious body was a perfect fit against mine. Indulging her bratty behavior so I could spank the sense back into her would be the highlight of my day. I had no interest in breaking her, but I would teach her and bring her to heel when she got too far out of hand. Mostly, I wanted to learn more about the Little girl she hid inside and nurture her until she was comfortable sharing herself openly with myself and others.
“It’s time for your correction, little one.”
She pulled back her head. “Are you serious? You’re still going to punish me?”
“Oh, I am. But it won’t just be school discipline for you today. You need a thorough lesson in behavior, and I promise by the time we’re done, you’re going to be a very sorry girl.”
Harmony crossed her arms and stuck out her bottom lip in the cutest damn pout I had ever seen. I couldn’t help the laughter escaping. “Do you have something to say?” I chuckled.
“No, what?”
She rolled her eyes and sighed. “No, Sir.”
I tipped her over my other knee with lightning speed and delivered a half dozen swats to her naked backside before she had time to protest. Then I swung her back up and sat her on my thigh where she’d been perched just a moment ago.
“Ow!” Her response finally kicked in and she pushed her lip back out. “What was that for?”
“You know exactly what it was for, little brat. Is it appropriate to roll your eyes at your Daddy? Especially when you’re naked on his lap, about to get your bottom blistered for your naughty behavior?”
“My Daddy?” She zeroed in on the term.
I’d referred to myself as Daddy a few times during our conversation, but apparently adding “my” in front of it was what finally sealed the deal.
“Yes, little girl, your Daddy. I told you that you needed one and this is me claiming that title. You have the final say, of course, but I think you want this, too. Now is the time to tell me if you don’t. And I promise I’ll let you go if that’s your choice. Do you want me as your Daddy, Harmony? Or do you want to be free to explore other options?”
Her bottom lip quivered, then she said very quietly, “Yes. I want you to be my Daddy.”
“You’re sure?” I had to ask. I wasn’t going to be irresponsible with her ever again.
She nodded, then smiled a little, and I smiled back.
“Yes. I’m very, very sure, Daddy.”
“I’m glad we got that established, little one.”
“Me, too,” she agreed.
“Even if that means I’m going to spank you so hard your butt will be crying long after you’ve gone to sleep tonight?”
A blush began on her chest and neck and spread across her lovely pale skin. “Um… yes.”
“Good. Now, can you tell me why you got so angry at the pool and threw lemonade in my face?”
Harmony’s bottom lip trembled once more. I’d wager she’d spent her entire life being nonverbal with her needs and acting out as a way to get attention, but that wasn’t going to work. Not anymore.
There was a disorder called ODD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, where negative attitudes and acts are reinforced by parents who only focus on the negative and, therefore, cement bad behavior in their toddlers. It was a learned condition in very young children that stayed with them and took a turn for the worse in their teens. With hormones and body changes, the condition hits a peak. This is when other issues can and often will develop and usually present as ADHD, social anxiety, and in severe cases, self-harm. I made a mental note to speak with Derek and see about getting Harmony an appointment with one of the resident psychologists.