Down boy, I admonished trying to hold tight to my control.
Once inside my apartment, I closed and locked my door, leaning against it with my arms crossed. The lemonade had dried on my skin during our walk, which left me sticky and uncomfortable. I wanted nothing more than to wash it off, but first I needed to set the tone for our afternoon.
“Your behavior by the pool was unacceptable and you know it. I’m going to change and clean the lemonade off me and while I do that, you will stand in the corner, bikini bottoms down, hands behind your back, nose touching the wall. Are we clear?” I kept my tone low and menacing to impart the seriousness of this situation and hopefully avoid any arguments from her.
“Yes, Sir.”
I waited silently until she was where she should be, in the position I had instructed her to take. Watching her reluctantly peel her bathing suit bottoms down set an uncomfortable ache straight to my already hard cock. I was going to need a cold shower if I was going to make it through this punishment.
In my bedroom, I stripped quickly and hopped into the shower. As ridiculous as it felt, the only way to regain control of myself was to relieve some of the pressure in my cock. With the vision of her standing in the corner in the other room and the memory of her soft skin under my hands, I stroked my rigid shaft. I tried to take it slowly, but I’d never been so hard in my entire life, and knowing she stood in the next room with her bare bottom there waiting for me was too much. As my cock pulsed, I stroked harder, bringing myself to a fast and furious release against the tile wall in my shower. Once my heart rate slowed and my cock began to relax slightly, I rid myself of the sticky lemonade and got out.
With a towel wrapped around my waist, I quickly peeked at my naughty little charge, then began to plot. Pulling out all of my implements and an assortment of plugs, I surveyed them mindfully before choosing the suitable items. Happy with my choices, I donned a comfortable pair of shorts, and leaving my chest bare, I took my tools out to the kitchen. After setting them on the table, I pulled out a chair and sat down. The apartment was small and from where I sat, I could see the goosebumps on her flesh. The bikini bottoms had fallen completely off and were now pooled at her feet, which left her completely naked, aside from her barely-there swimsuit top.
“Come here, Harmony.”
She turned slowly, her hands coming forward to cover her naked pussy. I’d let her get away with that, but not for long. She looked down at her bikini bottoms and peeked at me.
I shook my head. “No, leave them.”
Heaving a heavy sigh, she made her way to me, keeping her eyes on the ground. I could see the pink in her cheeks and her nipples still pressed against the bathing suit fabric. She was embarrassed and turned on, perfect for what I had planned. Harmony needed to be brought down a few notches, and a little humiliation would be the ideal place to start. I pulled her between my parted thighs and took her hands in mine.
“Naughty little girls do not get to hide their bodies from their Daddies. Keep your hands at your sides and do not try to cover yourself again. Do you understand me?”
She shifted from foot to foot but did not say a word. Without her heels on, we were at eye level. “Look at me, Little girl.”
Harmony slowly lifted her eyes, meeting mine. Her expression was a mix of trepidation and hunger. I’d spanked her twice, and both times for breaking school rules. Now she was here because things had gotten personal, and I was going to make sure she knew the difference. “When I ask you a question, I expect an answer. Do you understand that you are not allowed to hide yourself from me?”
“Yes, Sir,” she whispered.
“Good girl. Now why are we here?”
I watched her face as she wrestled with how to answer, and before the sass left her lips, I already knew it was coming.
“I think it’s obvious. I threw a glassful of lemonade in your face.”
She was trying to build her walls back up. I was not going to let that happen.
“You did.” I reached out, gently pinching her chin between my thumb and forefinger. “Harmony, I know what you are doing and I’m not going to let you do it. You wanted this attention from me and now you’ve got it. I know what you need, and you are not leaving this apartment today until I am convinced you’ve got it. What’s the Ranch safeword?”
As much as I wanted to completely dominate her in every way, I needed to know she knew how to communicate before we continued. Derek had made her reread her contract thoroughly, then quizzed her on it before he had returned her to my class that first day, so I knew she had the answer.
“Safeword? Like the stoplight thing?”
“Yes, the stoplight. If you are in physical or emotional distress, you can say red, and I will stop immediately. If you are slowly approaching distress, you can say yellow, and I will slow down, and we can talk about what’s going on before we proceed. My intention is to punish you to help you become a better version of yourself. I do not want to bring you harm in any way. I care about you, little one.”
That got her. She eyed me speculatively, dropping her façade enough for me to see the hurt little girl inside.
I tugged her onto my lap. “You might not believe me now, but you will. I see a Little girl inside of you. One in need of love, attention, and guidance. You need a Daddy who can keep you in line.”
Her pupils dilated, and her breath came in short pants as her heart rate spiked, which I took as encouragement to continue.
“You have been naughty for a very long time. You’ve been asking with your actions rather than your words for people to pay attention to you. You need to learn to do it correctly, without acting out, so you get the response you need without causing so much drama for yourself and everyone around you. And I think you know that you need to be held accountable when you behave badly. There are other ways to get attention, little girl, and I plan to teach you to do better. I am here, Harmony, I see you and I won’t let you down, I promise.”
A lone tear slid down her cheek as she completely deflated in my arms and melted against me. I thumbed away the tear, loving the feel of her silky skin beneath the wetness and the way her body felt against mine. I hoped that as she learned to trust me, she’d cry more. Letting go and learning to trust someone when everyone has let you down was an arduous journey, and one I planned on helping her through every step of the way.
“Do you promise?”