He lifted my skirt and tugged my panties down. A whoosh of cool air touched my bare thighs and naked ass and was amplified by my wetness. Being in this position was turning me on even more, and I felt a shudder move down my spine and rest in my lower belly. Goosebumps broke out all over my body and my skin burned with the need to be touched.
I was a virgin. A twenty-two-year-old virgin. While some might be proud of that fact, I wasn’t, and hoped to rid myself of the unwanted title while I was at Rawhide. I wanted to be ravaged by a stern Daddy-Dom and taken in hand, shown the wonders of true pleasure at the hands of someone who could send my body and mind soaring into another dimension. But secretly, it was way more than that. I hoped to find someone who would really see me through my well-built facade to the little girl inside dying for a place to feel safe and wanted.
“Don’t worry, little one, this will hurt, but in no way damage you. Do you trust me?”
I did, I really really did, but I didn’t share how deeply I wanted to not only trust him but have him teach me everything. What was wrong with me? I’d done everything I could to get out from under my parents’ thumbs and away from their control. Why did I want to be controlled by this man?
“Yes, Sir,” I answered.
“Count with me.”
Before I could respond, the ruler smacked my ass and a searing stripe of fire had me dancing on my toes, barely holding back a scream of agony. I clamped my lips shut, trying to hold on to my control.
“Count, Harmony, or we begin again,” Gray reminded in a low growl that I swore I could feel vibrate against my pussy.
“One, Sir.”
“Good girl.”
There was that praise again, the praise that could make me purr like a naughty lust-filled harlot. The thought almost made me giggle until the ruler smacked my backside, and this time a squeal escaped.
“Two, Sir.” I forced out the count, not wanting to give him any reasons to make this spanking last longer than he’d planned.
The third smack landed, and I really wanted it to be over with.
“Three, Sir.”
He kept going, landing twelve solid strokes of the ruler in all. By the time he was finished, I was a crying, blubbering mess.
“I’m sorry. Please, no more,” I cried.
He placed the ruler down on the desk and helped me to stand. “I will give you some time to think about your behavior, Harmony. But we are far from being done. Go put your nose in that corner, legs parted, your hands grasping your forearms behind your back, and your naughty bottom pushed out so I can admire my handiwork.”
My ass was burning something fierce, and I wanted to rub it so badly. My hands wandered to the offended area, but I was stopped short.
“Harmony,” he growled. “No touching or I will add more strokes to your session with the cane.”
So many feelings ravaged me as I moved to the corner and stood there like the naughty girl I was. I imagined what I must look like to him.
Did he like seeing his marks on my ass, or was he simply a teacher giving corrections to a student? My heart hoped he liked what he saw and wanted to see more of me. All of me. My pussy dripped with need. The heat he’d created in my ass bloomed deeper inside, and I was more turned on than I’d ever been.
I wanted him to touch me, give me the pleasure I’d never felt before, but there was something else, something that I realized had been buried deep within me. I wanted to crawl into his lap and be held by him. I wanted him to stroke my hair and call me his good girl. I wanted to feel true forgiveness for the first time in my life. It was damn near impossible to focus on my wrongdoings like I was supposed to when all I could focus on was Gray, and how the rest of this was going to play out for us.
“Ms. Carrington, please come back to the desk and resume the position.”
Once over his desk, Gray nudged my legs wider than before. As he ran his hand over my blazing cheeks, a shudder of pleasure moved through me. There was not a doubt in my mind that he could see my essence dripping down my legs.
“Are you ready?”
I took a deep breath and gripped the desk. “Yes, Sir.”
“We will begin at one.”
Before another word left my lips, a swish rent the air just before white-hot lightning struck my ass. I thought I could breathe through the sting, but it kept growing. I danced on my toes, trying to find some relief, and then I remembered I was supposed to count.
“One, Sir,” I hurriedly said, hoping I hadn’t waited too long.
The rod came down again just below the first. The sting was so much more intense than his ruler had been.