I didn’t really know what to do with that information. I was mad and relieved all at the same time. Having secrets was a lot of work, and the fact that it was out in the open was freeing. However, the man sitting in front of me knew what I did. He knew I lied and cost Gray his job.
“W-why did you let me stay if you knew? You should think I’m the worst kind of human. I know Gray hates my guts.”
“He doesn’t hate your guts, Harmony, and no one else here does, either. We believe in true second chances here at the Ranch. I listened to Gray’s retelling of the events, and when I met you, I saw something deep inside. Something that told me you belonged here. That’s why I let you in.”
I didn’t know what to do with his kindness. I surely didn’t deserve it from him, or anyone else for that matter. Losing all bravado, I fell into one of the large chairs.
“What happens now?”
“Now? Well, that’s your choice, really. If you have seen what we have to offer and decided it’s not for you, you will be escorted back to your room and then off the premises. If you choose to stay, I’m going to have to insist that you reread this contract and sign it a second time so that I know you truly understand the expectations of Rawhide University students and teachers.”
I chewed my lip as I gave the choices a quick thought, but I really didn’t need to.
“I want to stay, Sir.”
“I’m glad to hear that, darlin’.” He set my contract in front of me. “Now you take this over to the couch and read every single word of it. I know you have never been in an environment such as this, and I want you to truly understand our establishment so we don’t have a replay of this afternoon. Understand?”
I nodded and took the packet. Thankful to put a little space between myself and the imposing man, I moved to the couch on the other side of the room and settled in to read.
My eyes were downcast as Master Derek finally marched me back to Gray’s classroom. This was as far off from fulfilling my fantasy as it could get, but I couldn’t deny my body’s reaction to everything that was happening. The constant leak of excitement had made my panties wet. There was not a doubt in my mind that Gray was going to spank me, and when he bent me over and tugged down my panties, there would be no hiding the evidence because I was sure I’d soaked through them.
After listening to Derek and being forced to reread the contract I signed, I knew Gray was in his right to give me a public spanking. I could only hope that with an apology, he would do it in his office, with the door closed.
Three young women about my age were the last to exit the classroom as we approached. Surprisingly, one reached out and squeezed my hand, giving me an encouraging little smile.
“Good luck,” another whispered.
“We’ll be around to talk later if you want,” the last said in a hushed tone.
Gray was busy erasing the board when Derek knocked on the door. “Excuse us, Gray, but I believe this one belongs to you?”
Gray’s expression was grim as he turned in our direction. When his eyes found mine, a storm was brewing in their inky depths, and I wondered if I could ever get used to the tumultuous feelings that one look could instill in me.
Being in such close proximity to Gray set off a duel that raged inside of me. On the one hand, I felt wildly adrift and wanted to run away. On the other, I wished to run into his arms and stay there forever. But fear of the unknown always tore me up inside, although I didn’t know why. I was scared of what I wanted, and when that happened, I acted out and threw tantrums. But I had a feeling I would learn control if I stayed, and although I wished for that more than anything, the idea of change also terrified me.
I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “Mr. Remington, please accept my apology for interrupting your class and being late. I, uh, I will try harder.” Tears threatened to fall with my earnest confession. True remorse was a completely unfamiliar feeling, and one I was very quickly learning I didn’t like. I was way out of my depth here and everyone in the room knew it.
“Thank you, Derek. I will take over from here.”
Derek took his leave, and then it was just us. The sounds in the hallways faded as we regarded one another.
“Come on, Harmony, let’s go into my office and get your punishment out of the way, and then we can begin again.”
“Really?” The fact that he was still going to spank me was not a surprise, but the fact that he said we could begin again was. Why would he be willing to give me another chance after the stunt I pulled in New York and the dramatics from just an hour ago? If I were him, I’d be ready to wash my hands of myself and move on with my life.
His expression softened, and a sexy smile lifted the corners of his mouth. “Yes, really. That’s how things work here. If you’re naughty, you get punished and then we move on.”
I released another breath, and along with it the burden of uncertainty I’d been holding on to. I was sure it would resurface later, but for the time being I was at peace.
I took his hand and allowed him to escort me into his office. He closed the door, locking us in and the rest of the world out. It was then I noticed two implements laying on his desk. One I’d seen before—the ruler that he used on me in New York—and in place of the paddle he was going to use earlier was a cane.
“Bend over Miss Carrington and grasp the other side of the desk. You will keep your hands there and stay in position or I will begin the count again. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Sir, I understand.”
“Good girl.”
And there it was, the two words I craved above all else, but had never heard from anyone, ever. They were the magic words I yearned for, and all I wanted in that moment was to be his good girl, his obedient student. I drew strength from his words and tightened my grip. I wasn’t going to let go for anything. I could do this.