Chapter 1
“Bend over the desk. Now!” I barked my order and felt a moment of satisfaction when she jumped a bit at my command. The errant Miss Carrington had been baiting me since she joined my class weeks earlier. The written warnings and admonishments hadn’t changed a damn thing to dissuade her attention-seeking behavior. To make matters worse, there was something about Harmony Carrington that called to me. The bratty, entitled little princess was under my skin, so if it was attention she wanted, I’d give it to her. And maybe, just maybe, it would put an end to all of her ridiculousness and allow us to move forward and get through the remainder of the school year.
Until Harmony, my job had been idyllic and rewarding, and a bit of a yawn fest, but that was okay. Boring was welcomed after what had been the most hectic six years of my life. When my parents approached me about this job, I had dug in my heels. Teaching etiquette to college students at their prestigious prep school was a giant step down from what I’d been doing when my mother called and begged me for help while they waited for an international graduate to come and take over.
I’d recently graduated with top honors from Harvard Law School. My grades and connections made me a natural recommendation to the dean of the department to hire me as a faculty fill for the law professors. My tenureship turned into several months of paradise with only three classes per week and provided me with lots of downtime to recover from the rigors of my education. The campus had a lot of perks to offer a single guy and I took advantage of many of them, primarily staying in shape using the state-of-the-art workout facilities and rowing club.
Then my mother’s needling began in late August. The woman was a force to be reckoned with, and she’d proven impossible to say no to. The constant ringtone I’d downloaded, “Warning, mother calling. Warning mother calling!” didn’t help in the slightest, and when I turned off the ringer, she resorted to badgering me with messages in my office. I didn’t want to lose my job, but my mother wasn’t thinking about any of that. She was, as usual, wrapped up in the selfish needs of her own closed off little world, and she would do anything to get her way. I knew giving in was only enabling her behavior, but I didn’t see any other way. So, I rationalized that a few more weeks of putting off my expensive Ivy League education to teach some young hopefuls was worth pulling out of Cambridge a week early to get her off my back.
And I wasn’t about to enable Harmony, either. I had a moment of hesitation, but luckily the cat-like gleam in her eyes and the flush on her cheeks told me she wanted this.
“Fine!” she huffed. “But I’m only doing this because I want to. You’re not the boss of me.”
Ah-ha! My instincts had been right about her, and I had the permission I needed.
I enjoyed the view of Harmony’s fleshy ass cheeks in the air, filling out her leggings and begging to be spanked for a moment before haphazardly tugging them down to mid-thigh. I wanted her to feel this correction every time she sat down for the rest of the day.
“Careful,” she squeaked out in annoyed indignation, “they’re Prada and worth more than you make in a week!”
I ground my teeth to stay silent. No way would I allow the little hoyden to bait me into an argument. All of my frustration would play out nicely on her milky-white globes.
I placed my hand on her lower back to hold her in place and brought my hand down with a crack on her bare ass. A light outline of my handprint appeared a few seconds later, increasing in color. I waited a beat before giving the brat a matching one on the other cheek. I was in no hurry for this to be over; she needed more than a few quick swats before I sent her on her way. I wanted her to feel the full effect of each punishing swat.
Harmony let out an oomph of air, swaying slightly back and forth, but to her credit, she mostly remained in place. She needed this as much as I needed to give it to her.
“Why are you getting spanked, Harmony?”
She peered over her shoulder, her eyes blazing. But with passion or anger? I couldn’t be sure. I brought my hand down in a rapid-fire flurry to punctuate my question.
“Ugh! Ouch! That hurts, you big bully! Wait until I tell my father!”
Not allowing the threat to sway me, I picked up a heavy wooden ruler from my desk and cracked it across the crease where her cheeks met her thighs and reveled in her yelp of pain. Harmony kicked one foot in the air, trying to cover her vulnerable buttocks with her foot.
“You can use my phone to call him when we are finished here. I’m doing him a favor. Now answer the question, young lady. Why are you in my office getting a spanking?”
“I don’t know. Because you’re in love with me and this is your way of asking me on a date?” she sassed, wiggling her backside like she was taunting me.
I was glad she couldn’t see the smirk on my face. If she wanted to play, we could play all day, but she was quickly going to learn I did not start things without seeing them through to the end, and all of her sass and taunting was only prolonging her punishment.
I brought the ruler down in a barrage of hard smacks. Harmony was doing the toe jig, one I’d seen many times before during my visits to Rawhide Ranch. She tried swinging her hips to avoid the stinging swats, but I held her firmly in place, delivering a series of hard smacks to her ass until her skin glowed a nice fire-engine red.
“Stand up.”
She shot to a standing position, her hands flying to rub her flaming backside.
“No touching or there will be more where that came from.”
Harmony glared her defiance at me, but obeyed, and dropped her hands to her sides.
“Tell me why you’re standing there with your bare bottom burning after being spanked like a naughty little girl?”
The surprise in Harmony’s eyes spoke volumes about her erratic behavior. I wondered if she really didn’t know why I’d marched her out of class and to my office. Had her behavior been so bad for so long that she didn’t recognize when she’d gone too far? Or perhaps she’d lived a life of overindulgence and had never actually been taken to task? The former was unlikely, I could see the fire in her eyes when she trampled the rules and boundaries that had been put in place. Which meant this spoiled brat had just gotten her first taste of true discipline. From what I knew about Little brats, this could go one of two ways: she would turn into a sweet submissive pile of goo, or she would love the attention and look for more ways to get my goat. I could handle either because I had an arsenal of punishments in my repertoire, and I would happily exhaust each one of them to figure out how to manage Miss Harmony’s progressively naughty behavior.
When she’d interrupted the first day of class to show off her newest fashion acquisition, a Louis Vuitton Forever Young Bracelet, her squeal of excitement that went with the interruption had captured my attention. Her childlike enthusiasm was cute—endearing, even—but it was completely inappropriate in a classroom setting. And ever since that first class, Harmony’s acting out had degenerated, making it harder and harder to ignore or write off her behavior as anything but completely rude and insensitive.