Page 12 of Magnus

Telling myself not to be such a coward, I took a faltering step forward, followed by another. Magnus nodded his head as if to encourage me. Reaching out, I slid a tentative hand through the fur on the back of his head, surprised at how soft and silky it was. Magnus lifted his head and nuzzled his snout into my palm.

“You’re beautiful,” I whispered, awed by his strength and power.

Magnus’s mouth pulled back in what looked like a ferocious grin.

“Don’t eat me,” I said, eyeing his razor-sharp teeth.

He let out a huff like a laugh and pressed his face into my crotch.

I shook my head and pushed him away. “You have a dirty mind.”

We stayed like that for a few minutes while I stroked his fur and murmured to him as if he were a cute puppy rather than a powerful bear who could crush me with one gigantic paw. After a while, Magnus lumbered away, and in seconds, he stood before me in his human form.

Scooping up his clothes, he turned to pull on his boxers and pants, giving me a mouth-watering view of his muscular buttocks and long legs.

Then he turned to face me with a smirk. “Did that answer your questions?”

Chapter 6


I gazed around, taking in the beautiful details and welcoming ambiance of Magnus’s home as he gave me a quick tour. His home was comfortable yet sophisticated. While the outside was designed to blend in with its surroundings, the inside was a mix of rustic and modern, protected by the latest high-tech security system.

I loved this place. I’d always loved nature and open spaces, drawn to it somehow. My dream before all this happened was to buy a cabin in the mountains somewhere close to nature.

"What would you like for dinner?" Magnus asked as my stomach rumbled loudly.

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm staying for dinner?”

He grinned. “I make a mean chicken stir fry.”

My stomach gurgled loudly.

His grin widened. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He looked so relaxed and at ease here, dressed in jeans and a button-down shirt that molded his muscular frame. He waved a hand toward the huge open-plan living and dining room. "Make yourself at home."

As Magnus disappeared into the kitchen, I wandered through the huge open-plan living and dining room. I trailed my fingers along the back of the leather couch, the dark wood coffee table, and the built-in bookshelves lining the walls.

Despite our intense connection, I knew so little about this man. What did he like to read? What music did he enjoy? I wanted to learn everything that made Magnus the complex person he was.

As if reading my mind, Magnus calls from the kitchen, "Feel free to look around. Mi casa es su casa."

I smiled and continued exploring. Photographs on the bookshelves revealed a younger Magnus on hunting and fishing trips with five other teenagers. They looked so similar that they could only be his brothers. He looked happy and carefree. What must it be like being part of a large family? It was a foreign concept but something I’d always yearned for. Unconditional love and the security of a permanent home, sharing holidays and special occasions with family.

The aroma of garlic and herbs drifted in from the kitchen, making my stomach rumble again and reminding me that I’d barely eaten today.

"When's the last time you had a decent meal?" Magnus asked as I joined him.

He looked so at home, moving around the kitchen. For a few seconds, I allowed myself to indulge in the fantasy of a life with Magnus, of sharing meals and sitting on the porch, bathed in the light of a full moon while we discussed our day.

I debated lying but decided on honesty. "I can’t remember. I haven't had much of an appetite recently."

Magnus pointed the wooden spoon he was holding at me. "That changes now. I'll take care of you."

The promise in his words made me shiver.

After a delicious dinner, we sat on the couch with glasses of wine. I moved to one end, but Magnus curled his arm around my shoulder and tugged me against his side, holding me close. I leaned into him with a sigh. I'd never felt so safe. Protected. By a man who’d transformed into a bear a few hours ago. It would take me a while to wrap my head around that.

“Are those your brothers? I asked, pointing at the photograph I’d noticed earlier.