Page 29 of Magnus

“Yay, Mommy!” Lucy cried, tackling Mila in a hug.

Mila squeezed her tight. "Thank you, baby. This is the best birthday surprise." She looked at me, her eyes shining. “Both of you are so sweet to do this for me.”

“You deserve it,” I replied simply. I set the cake down to give her a lingering kiss.

When we broke apart, Lucy was staring at the cake eagerly. “Can we eat it now, Daddy?”

“Of course.” I sliced the cake and passed out plates.

We dug in as the last sliver of sun disappeared below the waves. The cake was rich and decadent. Mila closed her eyes in bliss as she took the first bite.

“This is incredible,” she murmured. “Where did you get it?”

"”hat little bakery in town you like so much,” I told her.

She shook her head in wonder. “I can't believe you managed to sneak this whole thing past me.”

I grinned. “I have my ways."”

We polished off our cake as dusk settled over the beach. The first stars were winking into view overhead. Lucy stifled a yawn, her eyes starting to droop. It was past her bedtime.

Mila noticed too. “I think it's time we head back to the cabin and get this little cub to bed,” she said, brushing a hand over Lucy's curls.

Lucy started to protest, but it quickly turned into another massive yawn. Chuckling, I stood and scooped her up into my arms. She immediately snuggled into my shoulder.

Mila rose, too, gathering up our trash. I balanced Lucy on one hip and wrapped my free arm around Mila's waist as we strolled back to the cabin.

By the time I tucked Lucy into bed and returned to the living room, Mila had lit a few candles and put on some soft music.

She held out a hand to me with a smile. “Care to dance with the birthday girl?”

I pulled her close, swaying slowly to the music. She laid her head on my chest with a contented sigh.

“This was the perfect day,” she murmured. “Thank you. For the cake, for this trip… for everything."”

I cupped her cheek. “You deserve all the joy in the world, my love.”

She kissed me then, sweet and unhurried. At that moment, my heart was so full I was surprised it didn’t burst. No matter how much time passed, I knew I'd always experience this joy, this love for my mate.

We continued dancing by candlelight, the rest of the world fading away. It was just the two of us, our daughter sleeping peacefully and our son growing in my wife’s stomach. I didn't know what I did to deserve such an amazing mate, but I'd spend every day trying to give her the same happiness she'd given me.

As the music swelled around us, I silently vowed always to treasure moments like this. My family was my entire world. I'd protect them with everything I had, today and every day after.

I had all I’d ever needed.