Page 8 of His Wild Obsession

“I know, Adrik. I know. I just never saw you affected like this by some slu?—”

“Do not finish that word,” I warned.

“I’m s-sorry,” Marat gasped, and I released my grip on his throat.

Fuck. I didn’t even realize I had grabbed him until I was already letting go. I shook my head and clenched my fists at my side.

“The woman is not your concern. I will have Josef find her and I will do what I need to do. Fuck her out of my system. Then I will get on with business as usual,” I growled, then snapped my attention to our head of security. “Tell me the moment you find her.”

“Yes, boss. I am on it.”

“Good,” I growled, stalking back to my bedroom.

I hated to wash off her scent, like jasmine, sweet, sultry, and fruity, but I needed to shower. Business never rested, and I had many responsibilities. I remembered the slimy councilman from last night and made a note to tell Josef to start with questioning him about Zaika moya.

I need to know her real name. Where she lives. Who she is. I want every bit of information I can get about her. Information was power. And I had always been at my happiest when I held all the cards.

Once dressed in another custom suit made of the softest wool, of which I had dozens, I met Josef and Marat in the living room. They were also similarly dressed and ready to go to the new Volkov building we bought and renovated.

Old habits die hard, and I absently patted the place where I used to keep my knife and gun. Even with special holsters designed so weapons would not be recognizable, I could not get past security in most of the higher end office buildings armed.

Besides, I was a businessman now. Not a criminal. A distinction that was hardly visible on most days. Maybe there was something to be said for the way I grew up. Everything I had, I worked for. This place, these people. They did not understand that kind of grit.

CoreTech was owned by one of the New York elites I so often found myself in meetings and parties with these days. The Castle family were old money, and while they enjoyed power, they were not hungry for it. In fact, they never knew real hunger. I walked into the new Volkov Towers with a determination I hadn’t felt in years.

I had a meeting with Matthew Castle in an hour. After that, Josef would likely have an update on Zaika moya. Until then, I would focus my energy on doing what I did best, hunting down what it was Mr. Castle really wanted. Then, I would offer it in exchange for the company I needed for our newly acquired mines.

“Marat, Andres will be adding some events to your calendar for the next couple of weeks. Make sure you are available,” I told my brother, naming my assistant.

I just then decided to devote the next few days to my unusual task. Vacation was not a word in my vocabulary, and this was hardly the time, but as the minutes passed by, I became keenly aware I was missing something. I was missing her. And that would not do.

“Of course, brother. May I ask, where will you be?” Marat asked casually.

It seemed he’d already forgiven me for my outburst. Not that I would apologize. He deserved the reminder of what I really was. Maybe all the luxury surrounding us had caused a lapse in his memory. But we’d been raised hard. And even though his almost too good-looking face was made even prettier with his straight-toothed, brilliant white smile, I saw the darkness in his nearly black eyes. No, my baby brother did not need reminding. He knew exactly who I was.


I raised an eyebrow, glaring at him until he shrugged and tossed his hands up in surrender. Marat had everything I ever wanted for him, but sometimes I wondered if he wasn’t as lonely as I was. Two wolves did not make a Pack, and yet we were not ever alone, having only each other in this vast, cruel world.

I would do anything for my brother, and I have. I did not doubt his loyalty for a second, but I wanted him busy when she was found. Last thing I needed was to compete with him for the attentions of a woman who’d left my bed like it was on fire.

It could not have been because she was unsatisfied. Fuck no. I’d made sure she came at least twice for each of mine. Being a generous lover did not come naturally. I was more the conqueror type, but I could not get enough of her pleasure. In fact, her delightful whimpers and moans, the sultry way she said my name, the times she scored my back with her nails, it all only made the experience that much better.

We were combustible together, and I was dying to have another go. That kind of explosive passion was not easily attained. Even Marat had spoken of the lack of spark in his many encounters, and he had a plethora of lovers. I preferred to be alone, resigned to the fact I would die that way, while Marat fucked anything with a pussy, trying to fill the void within himself.

To each his own. I waited for the elevator to stop with no hint on my face that I was losing patience. Impatient men did not become billionaires. It had taken a long time to go from the streets of Moscow to the penthouses and top floors of Manhattan, but that was where we lived now.

“I will see you later,” Marat said, walking to his office.

The morning was a never ending series of conference calls and looking over proposals. Multitasking was a rare talent for most men, but that was the thing about being a hunter. You needed to be able to concentrate on more than one thing at a time. So, while our attorneys arrived with important documents that needed signing around ten, I paid attention to them while my mind churned, thinking about her and what she’d been doing since she left the warmth of my bed, my penthouse in the wee hours of the morning.

Did she have a car parked somewhere? Or did she take a cab or the subway? Where had she gone? Did she get there okay?

I wished she’d stayed. Wanted the pleasure of waking up with her in my arms. So soft. So warm. So breathtakingly delicious. Fuck, just remembering the taste of her made my cock thump behind my trousers. I ran a hand over my face. This was not like me. I hardly remembered the women I’d bedded in the past.

The second they left my bedroom, that was it. They were gone. Unimportant. Useful at the time. But nothing special. Just something to pass the time or scratch an itch. This woman was their opposite. She was special. And she was taking up way too much space in my head. I needed her found. What I’d told Marat in passing seemed like an ideal plan now.

I wanted to see her again, yes. But what I needed was to fuck her out of my system. Then I would be myself again. The wolf. The hunter. Not an animal made weak by desire, caught in her trap. No. I would never be that man. Anger rose inside me, but whether it was directed at her or myself, I could not be sure.