Page 7 of His Wild Obsession

“Did you see her leave?”

“No. I would not have allowed it. Or I would have sent her home in a car or something, so we knew where to reach her. Just in case. But the new men, they did not think,” he explained, but I was too angry to care.

“Fire them. I cannot have imbeciles working for me.”

“Fire them?”

“Move them, then. Somewhere else. Far away from me. I need guards who are aware at all times,” I growled.

“Yes, boss.”

Josef nodded. He’d tried to convince me to hire men from the old days, but I’d been determined to break ties. Unfortunately, my head of security was right about this. Even heads of corporations had enemies. If my guards would allow a single woman to walk past them unattended and unquestioned, then they needed to be replaced.

“Is this about the woman from last night?” Marat asked, joining us with a mug of coffee and looking like some sort of male angel in his white silk robe.

“Who needs women with you looking so pretty?” Josef teased, and Marat frowned.

“Fuck off, Josef. So, big brother, you got lucky?” he goaded. “She was pretty. A little thick for my tastes, especially in the ass department, but whatever gets you hard—ouch!”

I did not bother answering with words, just cuffed Marat in the back of the head like I used to when we were kids.

“Fuck, Ad. You didn’t have to hit me,” he grumbled, messing with his hair.

I ignored him and just kept staring out the window. It was a multimillion dollar view, but all I saw was her. Her eyes when she turned them up at me as I undressed her delectable body. Her lips when they parted, screaming my name as I pushed us both over the edge of ecstasy.

But even more than the sex, was her conversation. Between bouts of lovemaking and hard core fucking, yes, we had engaged in both, we’d talked. She was smart. Funny. And I was a fucking idiot for not getting her name.

It was like I was under some damned witch’s spell. I felt obsessed with the woman. And that was not okay for a man like me.

“Why do you look so grim, Ad? You got lucky last night. Smile, for fuck’s sake,” Marat said, continuing the discussion when I would much rather stew in silence.

“Lucky? No. It was not lucky. Whoever that woman was, she bewitched me, Marat. I need to find her.”

“Find her? What the fuck are you talking about?” my brother asked, seemingly stunned.

He was not wrong. I never got this way over a woman. Sex was easy for men like me, with money, power, and it was not bold to say I had a certain appeal. I was not pretty like Marat, but I was fit, and my face was far from ugly. But there was something about my Zaika that got under my skin. Something that made me want more than I should.

“Josef, I mean it. Find her.”

“Yes, boss,” he replied again, and I knew my orders would be followed.

Marat stood up, his face a study in disbelief. My poor pretty brother could not understand why a woman held me so captive. Maybe it was because it took three to satisfy him. But Zaika was enough to fill any man’s most desperate desires—a thought that spiked primordial rage through my blood.

No one should have access to her sweet body but me. No, she had not been a virgin when I took her on the couch, then my bed. I learned so many of her secrets last night. But not all of them. Still, as far as I was concerned, Zaika moya was unfuckingtouched by all save me.

My proprietary instincts were off the charts, and I knew it was absolutely insane of me. To feel ownership over this female. To crave her like I craved oxygen. Not as an extra, but as a necessity. It was madness. Especially since I knew so little about her.

“Adrik, we need your head focused on business,” my brother said.

Suddenly, he was standing in front of me. And I hadn’t even heard him move. That was unlike me. I was used to being the wolf, the hunter, the apex predator tracking every breath my prey expelled. And everyone was my prey. Everyone.

Especially her.

“This merger with CoreTech, you remember? The company working on the drill we need for our new mines is important. We need this win, Ad. It will be far cheaper to just buy some pussy to keep you entertained until the deal is done.” Marat said, clearly exasperated.

I sucked air between my teeth and let loose a low growl. Marat was my brother, and I loved him, but if he spoke about Zaika moya one more time, I’d beat the shit out of him. The topic was off limits to everyone, and I supposed I needed to lay down some ground rules.

“I know what needs to be done, Marat. I have been taking care of business, of you, of me, longer than perhaps you remember.”