Page 6 of His Wild Obsession

“Tell me what you want me to do, Zaika, or I will stay just like this,” he said, and I groaned in frustration.

“I want you to move.”

“Move how? For what purpose?”

“I want you to fuck me, Adrik. I want you to make me come again.”

“I see,” he growled, moving his hips slowly at first. “Like this?” he asked.

“No. I want you deeper, harder. Stop messing around and fuck me like before,” I said, the demand in my voice surprising even myself.

“You have teeth, don’t you, little Zaika?”

Adrik grunted. His black eyes glittered in the darkness like obsidian. He tugged on my lower lip with his thumb and pointer finger. Then he lowered his hand to wrap around my neck, withdrawing almost all the way before slamming his hips to mine and filling me in one hard, pounding thrust. It felt so damn good, I almost came right then.

Good sex was not something I was used to getting on a regular basis. In fact, it had been over a year since I had sex of any kind, and this was better than that. Better than any regular old sex.

This was wild, unadulterated, multi-orgasmic, off the rails, slay me now sex. I didn’t know how I was ever going to look at another man after what Adrik was doing to me tonight. But I’d find a way because I was not stopping either. I was in it for the duration.

I would deal with the consequences tomorrow.



The first thing I remembered when I woke up was the taste of Zaika moya. Poor little thing, I’d kept her up till the sun rose with my insatiable hunger for her. I could not help myself.

Her pussy was like ambrosia. Better than any drug or alcohol, or that Swiss chocolate Josef was addicted to. It was the best damn thing I had ever had. It was like fucking pure moonlight. Ever do that? Fuck the moon?

That was what it felt like to be buried between her legs. From the moment I saw her in that silver dress that was not hers, I wanted her. And now that I’d had her, I wanted her still. More, even.

But when I opened my eyes, Zaika moya was gone. I sat up, tossing the rumpled sheets aside before checking the bathroom attached to my bedroom. Next, I searched the common rooms of the penthouse. But no. She was gone.

The silver dress. My moonlight goddess. Zaika moya. Gone. Fuck.

“Motherfucker,” I growled and ran my hands over my face.

I didn’t even get her name. Fuck. The scent of coffee told me Josef was in the kitchen. I did not like a lot of people in my space. Sure, there were guards outside, but the cleaning staff was ordered to come when I was not in residence.

Josef, of course, would let himself in whenever he wanted. I had gotten used to the man’s coffee, and you could say I was addicted. No one made a pour over like him. As for my brother, he had his own place, but with the party last night being in the same building, I was not surprised he’d stayed over. Right then, I did not give two shits for Josef or Marat. Not even when my brother opened his bedroom door and escorted three scantily clad women to the front door.

“Ad, if you are going to parade around naked at least wait for my dates to leave so they don’t think they went home with the wrong brother,” Marat joked, tossing me a towel as the giggling trio of women looked their fill.

I snarled, and they stopped laughing, leaving fast as their stilettos would carry them. Usually, I was better behaved than that. But I was out of sorts, admittedly so. I’d never felt that way about a woman, especially one I had just met.

But there was something so right in the way we came together last night. It was like she saw my soul. All the dark damaged pieces of me, and she wanted me anyway. How the fuck could I have let her go without getting her name? Woman must have fucked me into a stupor. I never slept that well.

“Boss?” Josef handed me a mug of coffee, steaming and black, like I liked it.

“I want you to find her, Josef.”


“The woman from last night,” I growled.

He knew damn well who I meant. But my head of security just raised his eyebrows and shrugged.

“I already tried, Adrik. But she was not on the guest list and our host did not recognize her.”