Page 41 of His Wild Obsession

“Oh, um, yeah, Dad. I’m okay. You, uh, you know Adrik?”

“Yes. Hello. Um, you got some paint on your, uh, suit there, buddy,” her father pointed out, his eyebrows raised all the way to his hairline.

I looked down and shook my head.

“Yes, well, I will fix that once I get Sofia back home,” I said.

“What? I am home,” she whispered, her velvet eyes tearing up as she tried unsuccessfully to retreat.

“No, no Zaika moya. This is not home. This is your family’s home, yes. But not your home.”

“You said one month. It’s over, you were gone?—”

“Technically, I have four days left.”

Her tears spilled down her face, and they were killing me. God, she was killing me. So beautiful. So perfect. How did she not know? She struggled against my hold, but I pressed her harder into the wall, getting paint all over her back.

“Is that what you want, then? Four days? Then I leave and have to feel all this again? No. You can’t ask me to do that,” she said, hiccupping on a sob as she tried to turn away from me.

“No, I don’t want you for four days. I said this is not your home, and you know damn well it isn’t.”

“What are you talking about? Can’t you see how much this is hurting me?”

“I see it, Zaika, and I don’t understand why you don’t know what I am saying.”

“Because, you fuck, you haven’t said anything yet!” Sofia yelled and kicked at me with her sneaker clad feet, her velvet eyes flashing molten fire at me.

“What do you want to know?” I asked.

“Where were you? What happened? What the hell is going on?” she asked.

I couldn’t help myself, I kissed her again, loving the feel of her ready submission as she melted in my arms and tangled her tongue with mine. Of course, a second later I was cursing roundly when she bit me. I grinned, licking my lip, and tasting the blood she drew. My cock throbbed with the need to have her.

There she was. My spitfire. My moonlight goddess covered in paint. My fierce little bunny. Zaika moya.

“I had to go fix things with the company. When I was gone, I discovered the truth about everything. You see, Castle was technically the owner of CoreTech, but really, it was Missy’s project. She promised the company to many people, many companies with foreign interests,” he explained,

“So, she is the real power and Matthew was just the figurehead,” Sofia said.

“Was the real power. Volkov Industries initiated a hostile takeover after your attempted kidnapping. Word of that had already spread, and I could allow no one to think that was acceptable. Still, it didn’t sit well with some friends across the sea, my takeover of Castle Corp, and they attempted to steal several of my mines from me. I had to get them back to assure my place as head of this company and to let my enemies know that anyone coming after what is mine will not have a happy ending.”

“I see. So, do they know that now? Your enemies?” she asked.

I nodded my head. They knew. The men I had killed myself were still being delivered around the world. In pieces. A message to my enemies not to fuck with the Dark Wolf or anything he claimed as his, and that included Zaika moya.

“So, you’re safe now? Your company, and everything,” she asked, and I was touched by her concern for me. Not many people asked if I was okay. In fact, no one did. It was new and different, and part of the reason this woman had bewitched me so.

“Come home with me,” I whispered, brushing my nose against hers. “Not for four days,” I added, when I felt her reticence. “I don’t want four days, Zaika, I want forever. This is not your home. I am.”

“What?” she asked, eyes filled with tears and her voice laced with wonder.

Fuck, she smelled so good. Beneath the paint, her jasmine scented skin tempted me, called to me like a siren song.

“You belong with me. My Zaika. My Sofia. Come home. Come back. Stay with me. I want you with me, to be mine always.”

“What are you saying?”

“I. Am. Your. Home. Zaika moya, I am your home, and you are mine. Don’t tell me no. Tell me yes. Say yes,” I begged.