Page 40 of His Wild Obsession

Charles Manheim, Matthew’s right-hand man, was hanging upside down from a metal hook, blood seeping from his many lacerations onto the cold, concrete floor. I called the cleaners beforehand, letting them know where to come take care of the mess.

They were good at that sort of thing. Getting rid of any trace DNA and disposing of corpses. That was all Charles was at the time. A breathing corpse. But that had changed soon after my arrival.

“Did you get everything we needed?” I asked Marat.

My brother nodded, and Josef had handed me the blade he already had out.

“Normally, I would drag this out for what you did, you piece of shit. You touched what was mine.”

“N-no. P-please,” he whispered hoarsely.

“Nyet. There is no please for you,” I told him, and stood up, slicing his femoral artery with one swipe of the knife through his pants and flesh. “Let him bleed out. Then Bury him with the rest of the filth.”

“Yes, boss,” Josef said, his wide grin telling me he would see to the job personally.

He had gotten off lucky. As for the business overseas. We were back in control, and the people who needed the reminder the Dark Wolf was still afoot got it. Tenfold. But I did not give a fuck for them or any of it. In fact, the whole fucking world could burn for all I cared if I did not have her.

“Adrik! Damn, you look fucked up!” Marat shouted as I raced down the runway after disembarking from the plane.

“Where is she? Is she safe?”

“Yes. She is at her grandmother’s. Her father is with her. They are painting,” Marat said.


“Yes. The hallway. Vince reported earlier, she insisted on helping.”

I growled and got inside the waiting SUV. Josef was driving and Andres was in the back. I glanced at my assistant, but he was looking down at his tablet. When Marat slid in beside him, he started talking to my brother about business, and I was stunned. Marat was the face of Volkov Industries, but my brother hardly took an interest in things.

“I hope you do not mind, Mr. Volkov, but your brother has been taking care of some of the more pressing matters involving our takeover of Castle Corp, and more importantly, CoreTech, while you were occupied,” Andres explained.

“Is this true Marat?”

At my brother’s nod, I grinned. It was about time he stepped up.

“Then it is fine, Andres. You have my complete permission to do anything my brother says, he is half-owner and co-chair of Volkov Industries, you know,” I replied.

“I am?” Marat asked.

“For fuck’s sake, don’t you read anything I make you sign?” I asked exasperated.

Josef snorted, covering his laugh with a cough. We spent the following forty-five minutes discussing business. But then we were there, and I could not put off what was about to happen anymore than I could stop a hurricane or the tide.

I took the stairs to the building two at a time, approving of the way they and the sidewalk were cleared of snow and salted. Couldn’t have her grandmother slipping on any slick out there, could we? The smell of fresh paint permeated the air, and I walked down the hall, impatient to see her.

Imagine my shock when I came upon her right outside her grandmother’s door wearing a tight pair of leggings and a baggy t-shirt while climbing a ladder. Her hair was in a ponytail, and she had on a cap. Paint was liberally smeared across her clothing and my heart squeezed painfully in my chest. She was so fucking beautiful.

“Adrik!” she squeaked, turning around far too quickly.

The ladder shook, and she started to fall, grabbing onto the top and spilling the gallon of paint onto the floor. It splattered the shit out of me, ruining my shoes and suit. But I did not give two fucks. I grabbed her before she could follow it down, pulling her into my arms and crushing her soft weight against my chest.

“You have a lot of explaining to do, Zaika moya,” I growled, kissing her desperately before she could respond.

I backed her up against the wall, not caring about the wet paint or the fact we had an audience. I just kissed her, and kissed her, and kissed her some more.

“Um, Sof? Are you okay?” a man asked.

I looked up ready to fight, but it was her father. So, I nodded and allowed her to slide down my body till her feet hit the floor.