Page 24 of His Wild Obsession



“Fucking motherfucker,” I whispered and sniffed.

“Miss?” a woman dressed in all black handed me a tissue.

“Thanks,” I replied, dabbing the skin beneath my eyes so I wouldn’t smear my makeup.

It was stupid. I was stupid. Crying over a man who had literally bought me because he was dancing with some skinny ho. Shit. That wasn’t nice. I never wanted to be the kind of woman who called other women hos just cause they were flashy and liked a different aesthetic than me. I didn’t know the woman. I just hated her the second she touched him. Fuck. That didn’t make me any better, did it?

“Are you okay, miss?” the restroom attendant asked.

“Yes. I’m sorry. Thank you,” I said, and she nodded towards the door.

I heard the clicking of heels and knew I was about to have company. With some of the people I’d observed at this party, it was likely someone I did not know. Still, it wouldn’t do to be seen crying in here. Like a sap. So, I washed my hands and patted my face, made sure I was presentable.

“Oh, my God! Did you see who I was dancing with? That was Adrik Volkov, the billionaire,” the woman in red whisper-screamed to her friend.

I tried to ignore their chatter about who was there and what they were worth, but it made my skin crawl. It was like all they could see hanging over the head of every man they talked about were dollar signs. I shivered. Was that what it was like to be Adrik? How awful.

And how was I any better? I’d allowed him to buy me things. To rescue my family from debt. I’d sold him my company. Accepted money in exchange for my time. Shit. I was the ho, and the realization made me nauseous. Suddenly, the smells of perfume and cologne, the drink I had after we walked in, and the lack of dinner caught up with me. I felt dizzy, and sick to my stomach. I needed to get out of there.

Exiting the ladies’ room, I scanned the floor and did not see Adrik. We were all the way out in Long Island, and I did not know how I would get back to the city. But I could not stay there. My heels clacked on the stone steps outside the mansion, and I gasped at how cold it was. Fuck. I left my coat behind. But that was too bad for me. Maybe the cold air would offer some clarity. I took off faster than I would’ve thought possible on heels, removing them once my feet touched the icy sand behind the sprawling estate as I raced towards the water.

I dropped the expensive shoes as I ran closer to where the freezing waves crashed onto the shore. It was easy to forget we were so close to nature, so close to something as wild as the sea when in the big city. This mansion was in a prime spot, located right on the Long Island Sound. But I did not care about the opulent estate.

Adrik had danced with another woman. His big, calloused hands had touched her. His lips quirked up in a sexy smirk when she’d whispered to him. She’d been beautiful, so thin and tall. She looked perfect beside him.

Oh fuck. My heart was breaking. How could I be so stupid as to form an attachment to him? I felt like my soul was being devoured by feelings I couldn’t control. Feelings as wild as the icy cold water that was wetting the bottom of my dress and freezing my toes. The moon hung low in the sky, the silvery light bathing the water with stunning, ethereal beauty. I was trying to find my breath, but it was so cold I might as well have been trying to breathe in ice.


I gasped and spun around just as his big hands closed over my arms. He cursed roughly, picking me up and crushing me to him as he kicked through the backwash of the retreating waves. His shoes would be ruined, I thought inanely as heat from his body seeped into mine.

“Adrik, I?—”

“Not one word, Zaika,” he growled, and carried me across the sand to a paved road where the limo was waiting for us.

Josef was there, his face grim. He opened the door, closing it after Adrik placed me on the seat, and climbed in after me. He did not allow me to sit alone, grabbing me and pulling me back on his lap. I was shaking and wet, and miserable. But when I tried to speak, to explain, he cut me off once more.


His strong arms wrapped around me, and I noticed he’d removed his jacket at some point, before or after he came after me, I did not know. He grabbed the velvet coat off the seat in front of us, wrapping it around my frozen body and rubbing his hands up and down my arms. I had no idea who’d retrieved it for me, but I was glad. Just as I was glad to see my shoes sitting on the floor.

The heat was on full blast, but I couldn’t feel it yet. The mesmerizing sound of Adrik breathing heavily as he tried to rub the feeling back into my limbs was making me swoon. I couldn’t help it. I was so turned on, when his hands cupped my face and he brought my cheek to press against his, I turned to catch his lips.

Once I started kissing him, that was it. I could not stop. He groaned as I turned in his lap, pressing against the hard bar beneath his pants. My dress was wet along the bottom, and I’d bunched it up around my waist so I could straddle him. It was cold and uncomfortable around my back and belly, but it was worth it just to feel his hard body pressed so closely to mine.

“Sofia,” he whispered my name, my real name, and not the pet one he used for me, and I trembled with need.

Desire roared through me like a blazing inferno, My pussy clenched, dripping moisture, ruining his expensive pants, but I didn’t care. I needed him.

“Adrik. Adrik, please,” I begged, going out of my mind.

“You need me, Zaika. Tell me where,” he commanded. Lifting my dress and pulling it over my head.

“Here,” I said, pressing his face to my silk covered breasts.