Page 2 of His Wild Obsession

I shook my head. It was dangerous for my thoughts to turn so dark. I needed a new project, something to focus on. And it was while I thought about the emails sitting on my laptop that I glanced to the side and saw something out of the corner of my eye.

Two enormous potted plants decorated with tiny lights sat in one corner of the large balcony overlooking the city. I supposed it was festive, as it was just after the long holiday season. But really, I did not care about fairy lights and horticulture.

It was the creature beyond the plants that intrigued me. Swatches of pale skin bathed in silver caught my eye. Like liquid moonlight teased me from behind those very plants. I did not recognize her. She sure as fuck did not look like the other women there.

Her back was to me, but I saw her pale, smooth skin, and dark hair quite clearly. She was round and lush, with plenty of curves and valleys I was tempted to explore. I wanted to see her face, but as I inched closer, I realized she was not alone.

In fact, she looked as though she was trying to get away from whoever had her cornered, but between the balcony and the plants, she had nowhere to go. She looked stunning in the tight silver dress she wore, but I was not in the habit of gaping at women in public. Especially women engaged in uncomfortable situations with their dates.

I was also not accustomed to playing knight in shining armor, but if the man making her uncomfortable did not stop, well, like I said, I was bored. So, I edged closer, leaning in to listen to the couple, if that was what they were.

“No, thank you,” the woman said firmly.

I could tell she meant it, her whole posture was like a bright red stop sign. The idiot talking to her had no clue. He was some slick talking old man with too much money, and not enough scruples. Seeing her tense as she pushed his hand off her arm incensed me. I had not experienced such a fierce reaction to a stranger before. Interesting, but not enough to move me.


“You say no, but I think you really mean yes, doll. Am I right, or am I right?”

“No, I really mean no,” she said, but the man only stepped closer. “Look, um, I’m not here alone.”

“Don’t try that line with me. Come on. Who’d you come with? Now I have a room downstairs, and it will be just me and you,” the old man said, forcing her back another step.

She had nowhere to go and as the bastard pushed himself against her body and moved in for a kiss I reacted. What could I say? I really did not like him touching her.

“I suggest you step away from my date,” I growled softly, coming out from behind the plant to stand beside the woman.

Soft brown eyes looked up at me, surprised but she caught on quickly, lacing her arm through mine and pressing her body into my side, seeking comfort. At least, I liked to think so.

“There you are, darling,” she said and smiled.

“I am sorry I took too long. Who is your friend,” I said the last word with disdain.

“Look pal, I don’t know who you think you are, some Euro trash fucker, but I was talking to this lady. My name is Henry Devain,” he said, and I recognized the name.

“Ah, Councilman Devain. Yes, I know you. I wonder if your constituents would want to know about your penchant for pressuring young women at parties? Young women who very clearly told you they were with someone else.”

The woman in question gasped, and I realized she did not recognize Mr. Devain. Interesting. I wondered what she was doing at the party. Who was she?

She was certainly beautiful, but with a round ass and pair of breasts that were definitely natural. She did not belong to the group of models my brother preferred, nor was she one of the plastic dolls the other wealthy men had on their arms. My cock hardened behind my zipper, and need pulsed through me.

Yes. I wanted her in my bed, and I planned to get her there. Just as soon as this asshole walked away. Though, it really was a shame I was not in the leg breaking business anymore.

“Who the fuck do you think you are, mister?” Devain snarled.

“You know, I have lived in New York for twenty years now, and English is ooh, my third or fourth language, but I am still amused by the American colloquial preference to add fuck to the middle of every utterance. As if such a thing made you a hard man. Do you think you are a hard man, Mr. Devain?” I asked.

“What? Who are you, buddy?”

He put his hand on my shoulder as he asked his question again. Even the woman tensed, knowing that was a mistake. Still, I liked the feel of her on my arm and against my side, and I had no wish to move her out of the way. So, I didn’t. Faster than he could register, I had his hand off my suit and twisted in a way that made the little man yelp in pain.

“I am Adrik Volkov,” I said, and the man paled.

Then I used my leverage to bring Devain to his knees before turning to the woman.

“Do you want me to hurt him?” I asked.

She looked at me, her brown eyes going, if possible, even wider, and she shook her head. My pulse sped up, but outwardly, I remained passive. Showing nothing was a specialty of mine honed from years of living hard.