Page 14 of Dane

“Good for you. You finally gonna admit to your feelings and claim her?”

Fuck. I never should have told the guys what went down between me and Summer all those years ago. “Why don’t you worry about your own life?”

Jaxon barks out a laugh. “You fuckers were all up in my business when I was getting involved with Leah, so it’s my turn now.”

“Whatever. Just come over in an hour or so.”

He continues to laugh but agrees before he hangs up. With that done, I call Austin. Once I’m parked in my driveway, I send my sister a text to let her know what’s going on. She texts back immediately, and I can tell by all six of the exclamation points that she’s thrilled.

I grab the dozen bags of stuff I bought this morning and take them into my house. After spending a few minutes opening and unwrapping some of the items, I grab the camera set I bought and head next door. I’m hoping my plan will work and that it’ll help Summer relax. It’s not a permanent solution, but it will get us by for now.

Mrs. Pierce answers the door when I knock and smiles at me. “Oh, are you here to pick Janet up for your date at the drive-in?”

Pine Hollow hasn’t had a drive-in for fifteen years, but I’m not about to tell this sweet old woman that. So instead, I smile and nod. Summer comes up behind her mom and mouths, “Sorry.”

When I step inside and shut the door, Summer waves me into the kitchen while her mom settles down in her recliner.

“How are you doing, Little one?”

She sighs and looks up at me. “I don’t know. How are you? We don’t have to hang out. I’ll be fine, Dane. I was upset because of my car and stuff.”

I capture her chin and lower my face so we’re only inches apart. “We’re not hanging out, Summer.”

Her entire expression falls. I feel like an ass, but I’m also kind of glad she’s upset by thinking I’m ditching her. It means she wants this too.

“What I mean is, we’re not just hanging out as two adults. You’re going to spend the next few hours as a Little girl, and I’m going to spend it being your caretaker. You’re going to obey me. If you don’t, there will be consequences. The only thing you need to think about during this time is behaving and having fun. Can you handle that?”

She stares at me for a few seconds, then without warning, she throws her arms around my waist, nearly knocking me on my ass. I laugh and kiss the top of her head.

“Good girl,” I murmur into her hair.

“I don’t have any toys with me or anything, but maybe we could watch a movie?”

I release her and wink. “Daddy’s got it all under control. For now, I need you to download the camera app onto your phone. I’m going to set up a camera in the living room and one in the kitchen. Think that’s okay?”

“Yeah. She only goes into her room when she’s going to sleep. Why do you have all of this, though?”

“It’s a nanny camera. I’m a Daddy,” I tell her.

She nods slowly, and I realize how that sounds.

“I’ve never used them. I opened the box before I came over. I bought them a long time ago in case I ever met someone.”

Her fingers stop moving on her phone, and she looks up at me. “You haven’t had anyone in your life?”

I get to work setting up the small devices. “Nope. No one serious enough to bring home.”


I’m afraid to ask but I can’t stop myself. “What about you? Any serious Daddies for you?”

“No. I tried to date a few times. It never worked out.”

“Why not?”

She lets out a quiet sigh, then hits me right in the gut with her words. “None of them were you.”