Page 50 of Dane

I look past them and nearly drop my beer. My younger brother trails in with a shit-eating grin on his face.

“Dude! What the fuck are you doing here?” I give him a hard hug and slap his back several times.

The next few minutes are spent with everyone hugging Nash and asking him questions.

“So you’re officially done working for Damian? No more private security?” I ask.

Nash nods. “I told him I’d still be willing to take a job now and then, but for the most part, I’m done. He knew I’d been missing home, so he was happy for me.”

I feel like I’m grinning from ear to ear as I hand him a beer. Nash and I are only a year and a half apart in age, and we were close growing up. We still are, but it’s not the same when you can’t see each other in person whenever you want.

“Where are you staying?” I ask.

Nash shoots me a smug look. “What, I can’t crash here? Afraid I’ll get in the way of you getting freaky with Summer on every surface in the house?”

Everyone laughs. I shake my head and roll my eyes, but I’m laughing too. Nash can be such a sarcastic dick sometimes.

“You know you can stay here, asshole. I was just asking.”

He grins. “Uh-huh. Don’t worry. Austin knew I was coming. He got the apartment above your shop ready for me.”

I glare at Austin, who shrugs. “I only found out a few days ago, and he threatened me with bodily harm if I said anything. I’m a dumb motherfucker, but I’m not dumb enough to cross Nash.”

“Greer is going to flip out,” I tell him.

“I know. Where is the little brat? I stopped by her apartment before I came here, but she was gone.”

Jaxon grunts. “All the ladies are at the bar tonight.”

Nash holds out his hands. “Then what the fuck are we doing here? Let’s go to the fucking bar.”



Idon’t drink very often since I don’t hold my liquor very well. Ever since I got out of my twenties, no matter how little I drink, I’m always hungover the next day. Every once in a while, I forget about all of that and let loose. And these melon drinks that Bree keeps ordering us are going down way too easily.

“Wait, you mean to tell me he wanted you to come to the bar with his, uh, you know, still inside you?” Natalie’s eyes are so wide I’m surprised they haven’t popped right out of her head.

Greer makes an obnoxious gagging noise. “I don’t know how I’m ever going to survive hearing all this nasty shit you do with my brother.”

We giggle, and I take another sip of my drink. “Sorry, Greer. I won’t share that kind of stuff anymore.”

She smacks my arm and scowls. “You better not keep that shit from me. He might be my brother, but I still want to hear all about your kinky life. You just have to deal with me getting grossed out by it. I want all the deets.”

I burst out laughing and wrap my arms around Greer. This is the reason she’s my best friend. No matter how shitty things were when I was growing up, she could always make me laugh.

“We need another drink,” Leah announces.

We’ve already had two rounds and, at the moment, I’m feeling amazing. Ever since we got here, we’ve been talking and laughing non-stop.

I have some friends in Seattle, but not like this. They’re work friends. People I see daily and go have a drink with once in a while. They aren’t Little. They don’t understand me like these women do.

Another round of drinks is delivered, and before I take a sip, I hold up my glass. “I have an announcement.”

All eyes at the table turn to me.

“I’m moving back to Pine Hollow.”