Page 43 of Dane

There’s hesitation written all over her expression, but she finally nods. “Okay. Of course you can have dinner with us.”

Mrs. Pierce smiles when I walk in with Summer but doesn’t say anything. Greer smirks at me but gives me a quick hug before she goes back to stirring something on the stove.

“Mom, this is Dane. He’s Greer’s brother.”

Her mom winks at me. “Oh, yes. You’re right, honey, he has gotten better looking.”

I grin and look at Summer, who is blushing so hard I think she might burst into flames.

“Mom,” she hisses.

Mrs. Pierce shrugs and walks past us. “Speaking the truth, sweetie. I’m going to the powder room.”

When she’s left the three of us alone in the kitchen, I turn to Summer and wink. “So, you think I’m hot, huh?”

Greer makes a gagging noise, and Summer giggles.

I roll my eyes. “Nice, sis. Real mature.”

She grins and shrugs. “You’re my brother. The thought of you being hot makes my stomach turn.”

“Yeah, well, my hotness turns Summer on, and that’s what matters.”

Summer coughs and looks up at me with wide eyes. “Daddy!”

This time I shrug. “What? Isn’t it the truth? Now, what can I do to help with dinner?”



Greer: Get drunk at the bar tonight and spend tomorrow in Little Space nursing our hangovers?

Bree: I’m in.

Natalie: Me too.

Leah: Count me in! Daddy is playing poker tonight.

Summer: Yes. That sounds great. After my mom goes to bed, I’ll be there.

Greer: Yes! I’m dying for some girl time. See you then.

Iwiggle in my seat, excited for the evening ahead. We usually try to get together every Sunday for a play date.

Dane dropped off my car this morning. The pothole had done more damage than I’d first thought, and it took a few days to get the parts to fix it. When I asked how much the bill was, he threatened to spank me if I brought up paying him again. I almost considered pushing it just to see if he would follow through on his threat. It’s been way too long since I’ve been spanked. I’ve been itching to feel Dane’s palm on my bottom. But for some reason, I chickened out. I’ve never been good at being a brat. I’m too much of a pleaser.

Today hasn’t been a terrible one with my mom, but she doesn’t remember who I am. She’s been quiet, knitting the blanket she’s been working on for the past few weeks. It gives me time to curl up with my laptop and start looking for jobs here in Pine Hollow.

I’ll still have to go back to Seattle to pack up my apartment. I already put in notice at my job, and thankfully, my boss was more understanding than I’d expected. I’m sure after being on leave for as long as I have been, he’s anxious to fill my spot.

By the time I’ve submitted my resume to the only two law offices here in town, it’s lunchtime and my tummy is growling.

“Are you hungry?”

My mom glances up as if she’s surprised to see another person in the room with her. I’d like to say it doesn’t hurt, but it does.

“Sure,” she says hesitantly.